Afterbanks Arcopay, a company part of the Indra group, has reached an agreement with Finnovating to expand its range of ‘open banking’ solutions for digital payments and financial aggregation, as reported in a statement on Tuesday.

In this way, Afterbanks will make its range of products available to the nearly 80,000 companies that are part of Finnovating, whose CEO, Rodrigo García de la Cruz, has considered an “important and strategic step”.

“We perceive a very interesting evolution in the adoption of new business cases because we are really knowing how to take advantage of the value proposition to the end user. With this alliance, we will be able to strengthen our position in the market and increase our visibility in front of ‘players’ who are willing to explore these new business cases”, added the commercial director of Afterbanks Arcopay, Leonardo González.

For Afterbanks, the high level of bankarization in Europe “favors the implementation of ‘open banking’ solutions (…) that promote movement, open alternative lines of business, promote the creation of new financial products, and provide end users with the best experience possible.”