The Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, has assured that Spain’s position in the Gaza conflict “has not changed since October 7” and points out that “there is no doubt” about where Spain stands.

“Spain’s position has not changed since October 7: we condemn the attack against Israel; we identify Hamas as a terrorist organization; we recognize Israel’s right to defend itself, in accordance with international humanitarian law. We demand the immediate release of all the hostages, but also that the civilian population of Gaza be protected, that terrorist targets be separated from civilian elements that include hospitals, places of worship or United Nations facilities. There is no doubt where Spain stands,” he said. noted this Sunday in an interview in ‘El País’, collected by Europa Press.

The minister has defended the importance of the peace conference to end the “spiral of violence” and reaffirms Spain’s good position to host the event. “The conference, which has been a Spanish initiative, already has the support of the EU, the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, 88 countries around the world. I hope that, when the guns fall silent and we have to think about The day after, the peace conference will be on the table. And Spain with it,” he stated.

Likewise, Albares acknowledges that he does not know when the Israeli ambassador will return to Spain, but emphasizes that Israel is a “friendly state.” “I hope as soon as possible because Israel is a friendly state and I have said that to my colleague Eli Cohen when I spoke with him, the last time last Sunday,” she revealed.

In this sense, Albares has disfigured Cohen’s words by accusing Spain of being on the side of the terrorists. “These statements are totally unacceptable, they do not respond to reality and cannot be repeated,” he criticized.

On the other hand, he has called the PP’s criticism of Hamas’s statement of gratitude to Spain “absolute irresponsibility.” “The PP is capable, in order to wear down the Government, of siding with those who attack Spain or of giving support to the statement of a terrorist organization on which I have no comment to make,” he indicated.

Regarding the agreement between the EU and the United Kingdom on Gibraltar, Albares is optimistic about reaching a common point and considers that it would not make sense to leave the joint use of the Gibraltar airport out of the agreement. “It seems like progress to me that flights can come from Spanish airports and other European countries, promoting tourism and relations. The airport has to be in the agreement, of course,” he says.