Faced with criticism for appointing Miguel Ángel Oliver, he says he trusts in his “good work” and his “objectivity” to preside Efe


The Minister of Education, Vocational Training and Sports, and Government spokesperson, Pilar Alegría, warned the PP this Friday that she will not find “dissidence” in the deputies of the Socialist Group following her request for the amnesty law proposal to be voted on. call next week in the Plenary Session of Congress.

Specifically, the PP announced this Thursday that it will force the first vote on this law to be by voice, so that all socialist deputies “show their faces” and record their support for the rule that the PSOE agreed with ERC and Junts to exempt those accused in the Catalan independence process from criminal liability, in exchange for their support for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez.

In an interview on RNE, which Europa Press has collected, Alegría has defended that this vote be carried out as it is done with all laws. “I understand that like any other law it has to be done as usual,” she added.

That said, Alegría has indicated that, if the PP has launched this proposal because it understands that by calling for it it seeks that “some deputy from the Socialist Group” can vote against, that extreme is not going to occur.

“I’m already telling you no. I don’t know what the intention is behind those words from Mrs. Gamarra, but if they look for some type of dissent or a vote against, the Socialist Party will vote, it will vote yes, logically, to that proposition. of law”, has responded to the general secretary of the ‘popular’.

That said, the Government spokesperson recalled that it was precisely the Socialist Group that registered this initiative in the Lower House, while emphasizing that she believes that “it will be a good law towards that objective” of “improving coexistence.” which is, as he said, what they have been “doing since 2018.”

On the other hand, Alegría has defended the candidacy of the Minister of Economy to preside over the European Investment Bank (EIB). “Of course the candidacy proposed by Spain is a very solid candidacy, with important support, and I am also sure that it will be positive,” she said, adding that now they have to “wait” to know the decision.

Next, the Executive spokesperson stressed that there has “never” been a Spaniard or woman at the head of the European Investment Bank. “I think it would be great news for our country,” she concluded.

Regarding the arrest of two agents of the National Intelligence Center (CNI) accused of leaking information to the United States, Alegría has indicated that this will not affect relations with that country and has indicated that it is a “judicial process that It’s open but it’s secret.”

“Logically, something that is already judicialized, what I can convey is that we are perfectly aware that something like this certainly cannot hinder, so to speak, logically relations with a country with which we maintain such good relations in all aspects.” areas such as the United States,” he added.

When asked about criticism of the appointment of former Secretary of State for Communication Miguel Ángel Oliver as president of the Efe Agency, the Government spokesperson said that she “adheres to the requirements of the people who preside over this information organization.”

That said, he stressed that Oliver “is a person who has been dedicated to the world of communication for more than 40 years”, with a “long professional career”. “Of course, we trust in his good work because he has always done so,” she said, insisting that she cannot but “logically respect and trust in his good judgment, his objectivity and his professionalism to direct” the Efe agency.