He admits that he lied in court “obsessed” with hiding his infidelity from his wife

The footballer Dani Alves declared this Monday before the judge that he is being investigated for allegedly sexually assaulting a girl at the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona on December 30, 2022 that they had consensual sex.

Sources present in the statement have explained that Alves has answered questions from all parties -his defense, the private prosecution and the Prosecutor’s Office-, although most of the 20 minutes that the statement has lasted have consisted of explaining of the player, no questions asked.

Alves has testified at his own request in the Investigating Court 15 of Barcelona after the judge refused to remove him from provisional prison, where he has been since January 20.

In the appeal with which he tried to get out of prison, Alves’s own defense admitted the “erratic statement” of the footballer, who during the investigation has given different versions of the facts and began by denying that he had met the girl.

This Monday, Alves –in his fourth version– has admitted before the judge that he lied because he was “obsessed” with his wife not discovering that he had been unfaithful, and that the rapprochement with the young woman in the discotheque private room was mutual.

Alves’ defense, led by lawyer Cristóbal Martell, has requested this new statement once the investigation of the case has advanced, and can now again request that the footballer be released on provisional release, although he has not filed any appeal for now.

Sources present in the room have ensured that the defense lawyers have been “happy, satisfied”, and have ensured that the player has made a linearly correct statement.

The declaration had to be held at 10:30 a.m. this Monday, although it has been delayed two hours due to a “problem in the driving order.”


In a statement following the statement, Martell has stated that, according to the player, “there was mutual sexual tension from the beginning” with the victim.

He adds that Alves has declared that “he believes that the young woman could have felt offended or angry by asking her to leave the bathroom separately and not having been more attentive at the end of the sexual act.”

The defense has insisted that the footballer “is respectful in his relationship with women and does not take any steps if he does not perceive sexual tension and a clear predisposition”, and has reiterated that he denied that he had met the girl to protect his marriage.

The statement states that Alves went to Sutton with a friend, they met three girls -among them the complainant- and they talked and danced: “Upon noting the chemistry there was, the player suggested going to a more private place, mentioning the bathroom that was right next door. As he has related, she agreed and they went there separately and left separately.

The player has stated that “everything that happened inside the bathroom was a free and voluntary act, they made love and never said to stop.”