This Saturday, the public of San Sebastián thanked Jordi Évole for the work done on ‘No me llama Ternera’ and applauded him for five minutes at the end of the first screening of the documentary with the public, which was also attended by Francisco Ruiz, a victim of a terrorist attack by Josu Ternera in 1976.

The victim has also praised Jordi Évole for his “phenomenal” work on the documentary. The audience stood up and applauded Francisco Ruiz for two minutes at the end of the film. The victim was moved and thanked people for their love.

“We have discovered that for 55 years there has been terrorism that has frightened us all, not just the people who were from the Civil Guard or Police,” he indicated.

Francisco Ruiz wanted to remember the victims of terrorism because “violence has been a great suffering for them” and he has recounted his experience when he left the hospital after five months after having been shot twelve times.

“I had to leave the Basque Country and I ran away like a stinker. My wife and I decided to go to Ciudad Real without a penny. We had no support from the Spanish Government, the Basque Government or society. We had to leave the family behind and leaving with four daughters and without a penny. It was very painful,” he recalled, before adding that upon his arrival in Ciudad Real he had to ask Cáritas for help and a house.

Finally, he has claimed that the years of ETA terrorism have to appear in textbooks because “young people do not know anything about Miguel Ángel Blanco or Txapote.” “It would be good if the history of terrorism and murders were explained in schools,” he indicated.