He wants citizens to see themselves reflected “in full” and, when talking about autonomy, he proposes bringing people closer to decision-making

The president of Congress, the socialist Francina Armengol, has claimed the 1978 Constitution as “the most effective cure against discord” and has asked for agreements to “fulfill and develop it”, so that “its mandates” are updated and it can be achieved that all Spanish citizens see themselves “reflected in it.”

This has been the main message he launched in his speech on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the Constitution being celebrated in Congress, the first in which Balearic politics acts as host.

The third authority of the State has stressed that the law of laws has allowed 45 years of progress and “must also be a reference to face the future”, because it maintains “the best guarantee of coexistence” and, in the agreement that made it possible, ” “There is proof that dialogue and consensus are the only way to achieve it.”

From his point of view, the “generosity” that made the Transition possible dictates the path to continue moving forward. “If we were able to come to an agreement in the moments of greatest difficulty, if the general interest prevailed over everything else and the search for harmony went above the confrontation, then the path of understanding is marked: the mark itself Constitution,” he emphasized.

He has also pointed out the Manga Charter as the “passport to the threats suffered by democracies” and as what unites citizens “in the face of the slightest attempt to alter coexistence” because in it, he stressed, “the tension is not written , contempt or confrontation”.

“The same Constitution that stands as guarantor of the wealth of a diverse and plural State is our safe conduct in the face of any approach to uniformity,” he said, emphasizing that “it continues to be the most effective cure against discord.”

At this point, he has warned that “being a constitutionalist does not consist of raising the Magna Carta as if it were a totem, but rather assuming” that one can “reach agreements to comply with it and develop it.”

“It is raising the banner of dialogue in the face of the challenges that we face every day and the Constitution itself poses to us. And towards the challenges that await us, we must look together,” said the president of Congress.

For Armengol, the Constitution is a “living project, for the future, that is being built day by day”, the mirror that shows “the best version of the country”, but in which citizens see themselves reflected “in their entirety”. For this reason, he has called to continue working to “make his word a reality” and for everyone to see themselves in that mirror.

In this context, it has established as the “main mission” of politicians “to deploy and update” their mandates “from pluralism and respect for the legitimacy of the other, reaching agreements with the sole purpose of guaranteeing a more dignified life for each one.” of our fellow citizens”.


Armengol has declared that he considers it “legitimate” to propose that the Constitution should not be subject to any revision, as well as “defending its renewal, at least in basic issues, such as converting the Senate into a true chamber of territorial representation or responding to the demands of the century.” XXI”.

“What is not in any way under discussion is our total obligation to comply with it. We should abide by each and every one of its precepts,” he stated, drawing attention to the “pending issues.”

Among them, he has cited the equality enshrined in Article 14, warning that “it is not yet a reality” and, after remembering that the Constitution also had “mothers” – the 27 women who were in the constituent legislature although “they did not have the deserved visibility– has claimed its important role, for example, in the drafting of this precept.

At this point, he has denounced that this year 55 men have murdered their partners or ex-partners in Spain and has asked for a “total commitment” to ending sexist violence.

He has also referred to housing. “To live with dignity you need a roof,” he said, emphasizing that access to decent housing is “a right”; She has been in favor of “shielding each pillar of the Welfare State to make its erosion impossible”; She has called for removing obstacles that prevent “the reconciliation of family and work life” and those that mean that “mental health is not yet at the center.”

As in previous speeches, the president of Congress has defended the redistribution of wealth by reading article 31 of the Constitution and has asked for measures to guarantee an adequate environment.


And he also recalled that Title VIII “illuminates the territorial issue, integrates the diversity that coexists in our country and the wealth that a plural State entails, and leaves the way open to advance in the process of bringing decision-making closer to citizens.”

“Let us understand each other in this way, assuming the privilege of our differences, embracing the heterogeneity that makes us who we are, as we have also done in Congress, recognizing all the official languages ??of the State,” he added.

Finally, he urged those present to become “worthy heirs” of the legacy of those who ensured that the Constitution came to light in 1978: “From our differences, we have to reach agreements for the benefit of the common good and contribute to designing the country of the next generations. Let us integrate the dissents, natural and necessary corners of our pluralism, let us overcome them, and once and for all remove the obstacles that keep us from the real and effective fulfillment of our rights. They achieved it 45 years ago. It is our turn now. We can do it too” concluded Armengol.