The increase could be 2.4% if combined with the intensive use of other digitalization technologies


Artificial Intelligence implemented in the productive and service economy of Spain, in the business activity sectors, in Public Administrations, in large companies, SMEs and microenterprises would add about 17,446 million euros each year to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Spain, which is equivalent to a growth of 1.2% annually from 2023 to 2030.

In total, a cumulative amount of 139,568 million euros would be reached. Taking into account the estimated Spanish GDP in 2023, of more than 1.45 trillion euros, the figure at the end of 2030 would rise to 1.47 trillion euros.

In another more likely scenario, in which the use of Artificial Intelligence in companies is combined with the intensive use of other digitalization technologies (Cloud, Big Data, Blockchain, Cybersecurity…), they would add more to the GDP. of 34,892 million euros annually until 2030, the equivalent of a 2.4 percentage point increase each year.

This is the main conclusion reached by the consulting firm Advice Strategic Consultants, as a result of the predictive analysis reflected in the book titled ‘Artificial Intelligence and Business Success’ by Jorge Díaz Cardiel Torres, managing partner of Advice Strategic Consultants.

Likewise, the impact on the world economy until 2030 would be the generation of additional global GDP in the amount of 17 trillion euros, with the implementation of General Artificial Intelligence. The use of Generative Artificial Intelligence would add 4.4 trillion euros until 2030.

To achieve this percentage increase in Spain’s GDP, the technology sector as a whole must fulfill two tasks. On the one hand, digitalization technologies should be used internally in all of its processes. On the other hand, generate the “tractor effect” of other business sectors of activity and in the digital transformation of the public sector.

In Spain, according to the latest data on the implementation of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence Technologies, 31.8% of companies use ‘cloud computing’, 13.9% analyze ‘big data’ and 11.8% has implemented Artificial Intelligence. In addition, 7.8% of companies use robots in their business processes and 30% make online sales.

However, there is a strong difference in the adoption of digitalization technologies between SMEs (more than 10 employees) and microenterprises (less than 10 employees).

Consequently, there should be an upward convergence on the part of microbusinesses, since only 4.6% of these companies use AI in their business processes (compared to 11.8% of companies with ten or more employees).

In turn, 3.7% of microenterprises carry out ‘big data’ analysis (versus 13.9% of SMEs with ten or more people), and the use of robots continues to be a minority and sectoral (from 7% 8% of companies with more than 250 people to only 1.4% of microenterprises.”