They warn that they will remain vigilant in defense of the Judiciary
The main associations of judges and prosecutors have rejected this Wednesday the direct attacks of the Junts spokesperson in Congress, Míriam Nogueras, to several judges of the Supreme Court (TS) considering that “the public naming of judges” is “unaffordable in democracy “.
This is what the Professional Association of the Magistracy (APM), the Judicial Association Francisco de Vitoria (AJFV), the Independent Judicial Forum (FJI), the Association of Prosecutors (AF) and the Professional and Independent Association of Prosecutors said in a joint statement (APIF).
“In our firm commitment to the rule of law, we show our deep concern about the attempt to exploit Justice for political purposes, delegitimizing members of the Judiciary. It is tremendously irresponsible to convey to citizens the false message that their judges act motivated by intentions. unrelated to the application of the law,” they have pointed out.
In this sense, they have stressed that they defend “the independence of the Judiciary, the impartiality and integrity of its members.” “The normal functioning of Justice, through its appeal system, is a guarantee for citizens of a Judiciary subject to the law and guarantor of their rights,” they recalled.
Thus, they have warned that they will continue to be “vigilant in defense of the Judiciary and the correct functioning of the democratic institutions that are the basis of the Rule of Law.”
Aside from the statement, the president of the APM, María Jesús del Barco, regretted that Nogueras indicated the names and surnames of several judges of the Supreme Court and pointed out that the next thing will be to give the judges “the star bracelet”, in allusion to which the Nazis placed the Jews.
The deputy called the president of the Criminal Chamber of the TS, Manuel Marchena, and his colleagues Pablo Llarena, Carlos Lesmes and Carmen Lamela, “indecent.” Del Barco has reacted to the news through the social network ‘X’: “Pointing with names and surnames. Soon they will give us the star on our bracelet. How dangerous is the drift we have.”
For its part, Judges for Democracy (JJpD) has issued a statement alone in which it has rejected that Junts should point to judges of the Supreme Court, but they have disfigured that the interim president of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ), Vicente Guilarte, issued a statement to defend those of the high court and did not react in the same way “when there was a real campaign from other parties and media support to discredit and point out Judge José Ricardo de Prada.”
The association has stressed that “the president of the CGPJ should be consistent and not discriminate based on the member of the judicial career referred to or the party that makes the statements.”
However, he has reiterated the need for “restraint and calm to prevail at this time, also in criticizing judicial decisions”, which, in his opinion, “cannot support personal attacks”.
In this way, of all the associations of judges and prosecutors, the only one that has not yet spoken out is the Progressive Union of Prosecutors (UPF).
The AJFV spokesperson, Sergio Oliva, has described Nogueras’ words as “extremely serious” and has disgraced the president of the chamber, Francina Armengol, for not removing those references from the session diary.
In conversation with Europa Press, Oliva has reproached the deputy for this “public singling out of judges by deputies” and has reminded the Catalan party that Spain is a State of Law and therefore “if you have doubts about the legality of the behavior of the judges, there are regulated disciplinary and criminal procedures so that there is scrutiny of the work.
For the AJFV, the public naming of magistrates “not only weakens the Judiciary but also the country.” And he explained that the reaction of the interim president of the Supreme Court, Francisco Marín Castán, to suspend the meeting with the Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños, is “logical” because he has attacked “directly with names and surnames of Supreme Court magistrates”.
Oliva explained that the members of the Government who attended yesterday’s session “could have used the speaking time to defend another branch of the State and remained silent.” “The president was asked to remove the references from the agenda and she did not want to, we demand respect for the Judiciary,” she added.