Moreno, Ayuso and Clavijo freeze it, while Aragonès will continue to be the one who earns the most, 136,177.5 euros


At least the presidents of Galicia, La Rioja, Aragón, Extremadura, Valencian Community, Balearic Islands, Asturias, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha and Murcia will see their salaries increased at different levels next year 2024. While some will increase their salaries by the percentage planned for civil servants, others have opted for a greater increase of up to almost 7%.

This is reflected in the Budgets of each community, where some regional presidents have opted for the salary increase included in the state public accounts for civil servants (Gonzalo Capellán, María Guardiola, Emiliano García-Page, Adrián Barbón and Fernando López Miras).

However, others will increase their salaries by 0.5% (Alfonso Rueda and Carlos Mazón), while in the case of Jorge Azcón it will increase by 3%. The president of the Balearic Islands, Marga Prohens, will earn 5% more than in 2023 and her counterpart from Cantabria, María José Saénz de Buruaga, will be the one who will increase her salary the most, up to 6.9% next year.

The salary of public employees will experience a fixed increase of 2% next year, plus an additional 0.5% that will depend on how the Harmonized Consumer Price Index (HICP) evolves.

In the case of the central Government, the new Executive has not yet released its Budget project for next year, so Pedro Sánchez’s annual salary will for the moment be 90,010.20 euros per year, which represents a remuneration monthly of 7,500 euros.

As reflected in the different regional Budget projects, up to five regional presidents will experience the salary increase permitted by the State in 2024. These five regional leaders are Gonzalo Capellán, María Guardiola, Emiliano García-Page, Adrián Barbón and Fernando López Miras.

In this way, the remuneration of the president of La Rioja, Gonzalo Capellán, goes from 82,750.6 euros per year to the increase planned by the State for 2024. In 2023, the annual salary of his counterpart in Extremadura, María Guardiola, was 84,892. 7 euros and will also grow in proportion to what the State allows.

Meanwhile, the government of Castilla-La Mancha has reflected in its public accounts for next year the salary increase allowed by the State for 2024. In this way, Emiliano García-Page’s salary will grow for next year with respect to 2023, which has been 86,454 euros.

Something similar happens with the president of Asturias and Murcia, Adrián Barbón and Fernando López Miras, respectively, who will see their salary increase in that same proportion. In 2023, the Asturian leader has received an annual salary of 69,128.62 euros, while that of the Murcian was 75,670 euros.

Then, there are two regional presidents who have decided to apply a 0.5% increase in 2024, such as Alfonso Rueda (Galicia) and Carlos Mazón (Valencian Community).

Thus, the Galician president will go from earning 82,843 euros per year in 2023 to receiving a total of 83,247.72 euros next year, as set out in the regional budget project of the Xunta for 2024.

As for Carlos Mazón, the salary that the president of the Valencian Community had in 2023 was 77,842.56 annually and the regional public accounts approved by PP and Vox increase this remuneration by 0.5%, up to 78,222.24 euros.

In the case of the president of Aragón, Jorge Azcón, he will go from receiving a salary of 90,947.64 euros in 2023 to increasing his remuneration by 3% to 93,676.07 euros in the next year, according to the sum of the three remunerations that appear in your Budget project.

For her part, the ‘popular’ president of the Balearic Islands, Marga Prohens, will increase the salary next year by up to 5%, although the increase could be even higher, 7.5%, if the State authorizes a planned increase of 2, 5% for officials.

In this way, the Balearic Budgets for 2023 contemplated that the regional Presidency would earn a total of 73,311 euros, while those for 2023 point to a salary of 76,976.55 euros per year, which could be even higher.

In the case of the Cantabrian president, María José Sáenz de Buruaga, she will be the one to experience the largest salary increase for next year, since the regional Budgets foresee an increase of up to 6.9% in these salaries.

Specifically, Buruaga will go from receiving 64,606 euros annually in 2023 to collecting a total of 69,063.81 euros next year.

The regional government of Buruaga rectified the salary increase planned for the president and the councilors in the Budgets, since at first they contemplated an increase of 20% and finally the salary of these leaders will grow by 6.9% next year. THOSE WHO FREEZE IT

On the other hand, Andalusia, Madrid and the Canary Islands have included a salary freeze for their presidents in their budget projects for next year.

In the case of the Community of Madrid, the President has had the same salary for thirteen consecutive years, although Isabel Díaz Ayuso is the regional leader who receives the most annual remuneration from these communities, around 103,090 euros per year.

Of course, on this occasion Ayuso has decided to freeze his annual remuneration, although he has planned a salary increase for his directors.

Of these three communities that have decided to freeze their salaries, the second leader who earns the most is the one from the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, who will continue to earn 76,823 euros annually next year, while his counterpart from Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, will maintain his salary of 71,667.36 euros.

In the case of the president of Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, he has not yet presented the regional Budget project for next year, although in 2023 he had a salary of 76,355.08 euros per year.

The president of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, finds himself in a different situation. His Government has not yet presented the Budget project for the year 2024, since it is still in negotiations by the groups to be able to move them forward, so it cannot be known yet if it will contemplate a salary increase.

In any case, the Catalan president is the regional leader who earns the most, with an annual salary of 136,177.5 euros, well above what the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, receives.

On the other hand, the Lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, who receives around 106,778 euros annually, does not specify in the Budget project for 2024 whether there will be an increase in his remuneration.