The Vox deputy Ángel López Maraver accused the Government this Wednesday of “privileging” those who “practice sex with children”, an accusation that has provoked the protest of Unidas Podemos, which has requested that this accusation be removed from the Sessions Journal. The president of the Congress, Meritxell Batet, has promised to review the minutes and to eliminate any “explicit” accusation that she finds.

The episode took place in plenary session during the debate on the Animal Welfare Law, a regulation that, according to the Vox deputy, seeks to “humanize the animal and dehumanize the man” and give “the dog a human condition and the man the condition of a dog “.

Most of the groups that have intervened have criticized Vox for spreading “hoaxes” about this rule. “The government of ‘yes is yes’ is going to imprison our grandparents when they slaughter the pig, our uncles from the town when they kill a chicken to make broth, and it is going to send our parents to prison when they remove a mouse that has slipped into the corral”, stated López Maraver.

And he has contrasted this supposed persecution with the “privileges” that, he has said, will be granted “to the depraved person who has sexual relations with a goat.” “The same privileges that this government has granted to those who have sex with a child and destroy their innocence and their being, to those who rape a girl and mark them for life, and to those who gather in a herd and tear away their dignity forever. a person like a real beast”, the Vox deputy finished off.

The general secretary of the United Podemos parliamentary group, Txema Guijarro, has asked to speak to protest. “From the rostrum we have once again been accused of a horrendous and horrible crime such as pedophilia,” he complained, asking Batet to remove those words from the Sessions Journal.

But, in addition, he has begged him to reprimand this group that insists on accusing them of “horrendous crimes” but is not capable of “looking in the mirror from time to time.” “I will review the Journal of Sessions and, obviously, if there is clearly that accusation, it will be withdrawn,” Batet replied, without saying anything about Guijarro’s second request.