It reproaches the PP for opposing the housing law and Albiol in Badalona will regulate prices with an autonomous norm


The Secretary General of Podemos and Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, assured this Monday that they were unaware that the President of the Government and leader of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, was going to announce yesterday that the Council of Ministers will approve this week the mobilization of 50,000 Sareb homes for affordable rental, although he has pointed out that what is important is the measure itself and has downplayed whether or not it is an electoral decision in the final stretch of the legislature.

“The truth is that it does not matter to me if it is due to electoralism or if it is for another reason, but the fundamental thing is that once and for all, after all the legislature negotiating, we have a housing law and that mobilization of the houses of the Sareb”, the leader of the purple party celebrated in an interview on RNE, collected by Europa Press.

Belarra wanted to recall that this housing package is a consequence of the “bank bailout” of the 2008 economic crisis that “the banks have not returned” and that it affects houses that “what they are” is still unknown but that it has opted to put them on sale. provision of the public park of the autonomous communities, as has been claimed “for a long time” – the vice president of the Valencian Community, Héctor Illueca, from Podemos, has said.

And she has been satisfied by Sánchez’s announcement, at the same time that she has stressed that, if she joins the agreement for the first housing law after “three years” of negotiations, rental prices will be able to be regulated, which It will help, in his opinion, to revalidate the autonomous governments that PSOE and Podemos have in coalition.

Asked in this regard if these two measures guarantee price containment or if there is a risk of the opposite effect occurring, Belarra has branded it as a “mantra that the right repeats” that there are experts who say that if price rises are limited rents will cause the supply of housing to be reduced.


He has linked this “mantra” to the fact that the right “at this moment has a lot of difficulty” to “explain” why it is not going to support a housing law taking into account the housing emergency” and has maintained that the data refute that argument.

In this line, the leader of Podemos has indicated that the ‘popular’ Xavier García Albiol, when he was mayor of Badalona (Barcelona) and the Catalan law that allowed regulating prices was in force, carried it out. “The PP is going to have a very difficult time explaining why prices are not controlled in Madrid. And in other cities, such as Valencia, Palma or Barcelona, ??yes”, she has reproached them.

Belarra has expressed his chest that Podemos has been the “engine” of the coalition government’s demands and has considered that without the purple formation “there would have been no housing law.”

“This is the revulsion that we need now that there is a lot of debate about how we are going to revalidate the confidence of the citizenry in May and when the general elections are held. Well, I believe that it is so, with courageous measures, doing what progressive people expect from a progressive government”, he stressed.