He again asks the PSOE to act as soon as possible “as soon as possible” and intervene in the market to lower the basic shopping basket


The leader of Podemos and Minister of Social Rights, Ione Belarra, has accused the citizens of the statements of the president of Mercadona, Juan Roig, about the rise in the price of food, as “lack of respect” and believes that these opinions “portray “.

In statements to the press in the halls of Congress, he has once again attacked the director of this supermarket chain and demands that the Government act “as soon as possible”, because the evolution of the prices of the basic basket of the purchase “in the hands of those who only seek to shield their billion-dollar benefits.”

Yesterday, Roig advocated “pursuing” a drop in costs in order to lower retail prices (PVP), in addition to acknowledging that the sale prices in the firm’s supermarkets have risen “a nonsense”, as he had never seen it, but he has ensured that the company has “left its skin” to pass on less costs to consumers. According to the businessman, if prices had not risen, “the disaster in the production chain would have been impressive.”

“I think it is disrespectful to the people of our country. When you are making million-dollar profits exactly the same as in previous years, suggesting in some way that you are also having a hard time when there are people who cannot fill the fridge ( …) because prices are out of control, I think his words portray him,” emphasized the general secretary of Podemos.

Therefore, he has once again demanded that the PSOE agree to apply a ceiling to the basic shopping basket or, if he prefers, apply a discount on basic food products of 14%, as his formation already requested.

Yesterday, the spokesman for United We Can in Congress, Pablo Echenique, lashed out hard against the president of Mercadona, after learning about the chain’s profit balance last year and its position regarding food prices. “In addition to putting your hand in your pocket every time you go shopping, it pisses on your face,” Echenique snapped on social media.