The leader of Podemos, Ione Belarra; the party leader, Irene Montero, and the party’s spokesperson in Congress, Pablo Echenique, have sent a message of confidence and encouragement about the party after the poor results in the regional and municipal elections on May 28 and facing to the general elections on July 23.

“We have lost a battle, but not the war,” Belarra asserted in a post on his Twitter profile, in which he called it a “historical anomaly” that a political force like his had “arrived at the Government of Spain in ten years”.

In this sense, the also Minister of Social Rights and the 2030 Agenda recalled that since its foundation “Podemos has looked at the established power without fear, ready to transform everything”.

For his part, Montero applauded that “sometimes under a radiant sun” and “most of the time under a moonless night”, Podemos has been “always as a team and always pushing for a more feminist, fairer country, with rights , more democratic”. “We always go out to win, and when we don’t succeed, we try again,” cried the also Minister for Equality.

Echenique has also shared Belarra’s message and has stressed that Podemos is not “a consultancy, nor an image cabinet, nor an anecdote.” “We are the Spanish rebellion, we are the red and purple thread that runs through history, we are the ones who have achieved more than anyone else in 40 years, we are the ones who make mistakes but are never on the wrong side,” he declared.

Podemos is in contact with Sumar, the formation promoted by second vice president Yolanda Díaz, to reach an agreement on a unity candidacy for the general elections on July 23.

The contacts extend to formations such as Podemos, IU, En Comú Podem and Alianza Verde (which are part of the current space of Unidas Podemos) and to other outside parties such as Compromís, Más Madrid-Más País, Aragonese Chunta, Drago project, Verdes Equo, Batzarre or the Movement for Dignity and Citizenship (MDyC), among others. The electoral regulations establish that the coalitions are registered on June 9, so this week is decisive for forging the unity of the left.