The European Commission denied this Friday that the Commissioner of Justice, Didier Reynders, expressed the day before that he had “zero concern” about the amnesty law that the PSOE has agreed with ERC and Junts to ensure the investiture of Pedro Sánchez, since his services Legal authorities have not yet completed their examination of the norm, on which they will not rule until its final parliamentary adoption.

“The analysis is still underway, therefore in that sense the commissioner has not said for now that the amnesty law does not raise concerns,” explained Reynders’ spokesman, Christian Wigand, when asked at a press conference in Brussels if shared the analysis of the Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños, who after meeting with Reynders on Thursday said that the Community Executive has “zero concern” about the rule of law in Spain.

Bolaños traveled to the European capital to meet with Reynders and the vice president of the European Commission in charge of rule of law, Vera Jourova, to inform them that the amnesty law is an “internal” matter of Spain but that it is “absolutely in accordance” with the values ??and principles of the European Union.

The minister celebrated being able to “speak quietly” with community leaders to explain “with complete clarity, in a loyal and direct manner” the situation and stated in statements to the press that both Reynders and Jourova told him that they have “zero concern” about this dossier, while they do feel the “utmost concern” about the blockage in the renewal of the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ).

In this context, Reynders’ spokesperson recalled that the only public expression by Jourova and Reynders after the meetings were messages on social networks in which they described the meetings with Bolaños as “constructive” and made it clear that contacts with Spain “will continue.” .

“At the meeting, the commissioner informed the minister that he has questions and wants to continue with the conversations with the Spanish authorities,” said Wigand, who stressed that “the analysis is underway and, therefore, in that sense, the Commissioner has not yet said that the amnesty law does not raise concerns.

The open dialogue between the Community Executive and the Government on account of the amnesty law responds, as Reynders himself said in a letter to Bolaños to request information before the law was registered in the Congress of Deputies, to the alarm created in a sector of society and the judiciary that expressed their “concern” about the consequences of the law on the rule of law in Spain in “numerous” consultations with Brussels.

The minister responded to that first letter by offering cooperation to the Community Executive but clarifying that the law was an initiative of the PSOE, not the Government, and that he would send the text once it was registered and that it would be available to later explain the Government’s position. Although Reynders’ letter was not signed by the vice president responsible for the rule of law, Bolaños has also asked to meet with her.

The legal services are analyzing the content of the law registered by the PSOE, although Commissioner Reynders has been very careful to advance a conclusion and insists that there will be no opinion from European jurists until the norm passes the parliamentary procedure and is adopted in its final form, including amendments.