The First Vice President of the Government and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, assured this Monday that the downward trend in inflation, which stood at around 3% in May, “will continue In the month of June”.

Calviño, in statements to TVE collected by Europa Press, has stressed that the economic policy carried out by the Government in recent years “has to provide calm and confidence for the coming months and beyond.”

In this sense, he remarked that all the analysts and international organizations foresee that Spain will grow more than the countries around it and “they have enormous confidence in our economy”.

“This Friday I am going to go to New York, I am also going to be doing interviews and seeing what is going on in the international financial markets, but I already know what I am going to find and it is enormous confidence in Spain and in the economic policy of this Government, because it is what they transmit to me every time I have contact with them”, he pointed out.

Asked if she will continue to side with Pedro Sánchez if he wins the general elections on July 23, Calviño has affirmed that “she is committed” to the president, since “she represents the best Spain”.

“He is an honest person who defends the general interest, who is loved and respected in international arenas. It fills me with pride to see how he represents and defends the interests of our country and I will be by his side,” he said.

The First Vice President hopes that Sánchez will continue to lead the Government and that she can continue to lead economic policy in order to complete the investment and reform process that has been launched in this legislature thanks to European funds, without which, As he has said, Spain “could not be having a process and a phase of as much economic growth and job creation” as the current one.

Precisely and in relation to European funds, the Council of Ministers this Tuesday will approve the addendum to the Recovery Plan for its referral to Brussels, as Calviño announced last week.

The vice president explained that the addendum, “which is like the second phase of the Recovery Plan”, will include a fund of 1,000 million euros to help finance investments in the tourism sector, “a sector that is doing its homework, that is being digitized, that it is becoming more sustainable, more efficient”.

“Large and small companies, with the productive sectors, are taking advantage of the opportunity of the European funds and I think that this is a very positive message also for the future,” he added.

The vice-president explained that contributions from different political parties, social agents and autonomous communities have been incorporated into the addendum in order to invest European resources “in building a better future”.

Calviño has assured that, every time he leaves Madrid, he sees on the ground that these funds “are financing impressive projects”, that they take advantage of the opportunities for Spain to join the new green and digital economy “without complexes”.

Regarding the anti-crisis and inflation-reducing measures that the Government is considering maintaining after June 30, Calviño has indicated that it will be necessary to see how the economic situation continues to evolve and what measures are necessary for the second part of the year.

“We have been making this adjustment every six months or so since the pandemic hit us and it has been shown that this is the appropriate approach, because it gives us flexibility to gradually eliminate those measures that are no longer necessary and extend or reform or expand those that we still need”, he pointed out.