It shows its “firm and clear” commitment to continue with Sánchez in a new government despite not being on the lists


The First Vice President and Minister of Economic Affairs, Nadia Calviño, argued this Saturday that the results of the regional and municipal elections on May 28 reflect not only the disappearance of Ciudadanos, but also of Podemos. And she has indicated that not voting for the PSOE in the general elections will be supporting a “potential coalition” of PP and Vox.

“I think that the results of Sunday, frankly, what they reflect is the disappearance of Ciudadanos and Podemos, which emerged after the last financial crisis,” Calviño assured in statements to TVE during a visit to the Madrid Book Fair.

In addition, the vice president has indicated that the increase in votes harvested by Vox on May 28 is still the “translation” of the results they had obtained in the last general elections.

“And it is very important in view of the elections that citizens are aware that a vote that is not the Socialist Party is a vote for a potential coalition of the PP and Vox,” he requested.

Because, according to Calviño, the first thing that PP and Vox do where they govern is “reduce rights, especially women’s.” “And that has to mobilize all of us,” he stressed, so that the country continues on a path of social progress and modernization, he added.

In statements to the media, Calviño has expressed his “firm and clear” commitment to Pedro Sánchez and the PSOE project, hoping to maintain his role in the Government “also after” the general elections and reaffirming that he will not go to the socialist lists because he likes to be independent.

“I am committed to President Pedro Sánchez and to the project led by the PSOE and I will continue to have that leading role and that important role in the field of economic policy in our country until the elections and I hope also afterwards, of course,” she stressed. .

Calviño has vindicated her work as economic vice president of the Executive, at the head of an “economic policy that works and has positive results.” Thus, he has alluded to the fact that almost 21 million people currently have a job, that temporary employment has been reduced, stable work is improving and is increasingly of better quality, as well as that pensions and wages have increased, according to has been enumerating

He has indicated, therefore, that citizens are benefiting from these policies despite the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, setbacks against which the Government has “demonstrated” that it “knows how to manage” effectively and thinking of the general interest. to reduce inequalities, he has defended.

“That is why I think that it is not about understanding a message, but about verifying in your own family how the Government’s economic policy is good for Spain and is good for Spanish families,” he added.

The first vice president, who recalled that she is not on the list of “any party” because she is a person who prefers to “maintain her independence”, has stressed that she has a “firm and clear commitment” to Sánchez, whom she believes He is the president the country needs, because he is a “recognized, respected and loved leader” both inside and outside the Spanish borders.

“He is an honest person who defends the general interest. I am his first vice president and of course I am at his side regardless of whether or not I go on a list,” he added.

Sánchez’s policy is “totally far removed” from “the right and the extreme right”, he pointed out in reference to PP and Vox, criticizing that where these parties govern “rights are immediately reduced”. For this reason, he has shown his hope that voters will “resolutely” bet on the general elections on July 23 for the PSOE ballot.

And on whether he believes that Podemos and Yolanda Díaz, with his new party Sumar, will finally reach an agreement to run together in the general elections, Calviño has preferred not to give his opinion, although he did want to convey “all” his respect for the decision taken by other political formations.

Lastly, the Vice President sent her congratulations and “pride” to the Army on the occasion of Armed Forces Day, which she thanked, and to the State Security Forces and Bodies, for their “extraordinary work, which gives “confidence and security” to the Spanish inside and outside our borders.