The first vice president of the Government and acting minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, assured this Monday that, although it will be necessary to discuss social dialogue and collective bargaining of working hours, the priority in The next legislature must be to end unemployment and achieve full effective employment.

Calviño, in statements to TVE reported by Europa Press, responded in this way when asked about Sumar’s condition of reducing the working day by one hour a day in order to close a government agreement with the PSOE, an issue in which the negotiations between both formations are stuck.

The acting first vice president stressed that negotiation and debate on working time will be very present in the coming years, and recalled that the PSOE electoral program stated that “within collective bargaining and dialogue “social” would address how customs and work schedules are changing, also in countries around Spain.

“But I think it is clear that the priority for the next legislature has to be to end the unemployment that exists in our country, that scourge of unemployment that we have been carrying for decades and that also puts Spain in an anomalous position with respect to the rest of European countries, and achieve effective full employment. That is our priority for the next legislature,” he emphasized.

“This has to be our priority, that in the next legislature we achieve effective full employment because it is the correct measure and allow us to have a perspective of strong growth and greater stability also in subsequent years,” he added.

Furthermore, Calviño has stated that we must be aware that each of the sectors and companies does not have the same situation and that, just as there are activities that lend themselves to teleworking, others do not. For this reason, he has indicated that the approach to working time “has to be to initiate a dialogue with social agents” and address this issue within collective bargaining.

“But it is a debate that is around us and that of course must continue to be carried out in the coming years, being very clear that our priority as a Government and as a country for the Spanish economy has to be to achieve full effective employment, end with youth unemployment and addressing long-term unemployment among older people,” he concluded.


The acting first vice president has stated that, despite the international context, which has now been added to a worsening of the conflict in the Middle East, the Spanish economy is showing “remarkable resistance” in this panorama of uncertainty.

Thus, he highlighted that the Spanish economy “continues to grow strongly”, with all forecasts pointing to growth of around 2.4% for this year and 2% for 2024.

“All organizations predict that Spain will be the largest European economy that will grow the most next year (…) In a very complex panorama, the truth is that Spain is showing extraordinary resistance and strength and that is thanks to the economic policy that we have followed since 2018 and also to the investments and reforms of the Recovery Plan”, he highlighted.

In relation to inflation, the acting head of Economy has indicated that the Government already estimated that there was going to be “quite a bit of volatility” in the second part of the year, but has stressed that it continues on a downward path, especially in what concerns core inflation, “which continues to decline.”

“Our forecast, and especially that of the Bank of Spain, which is responsible for controlling inflation, is that Spain remains among the European countries with the lowest inflation,” he noted.

Regarding whether the Government will extend the aid measures for families and companies that expire at the end of this year, Calviño has made it clear that this decision “will be made by the next Government”, as she has expressed hope that between now and the end of year the new Executive will have been formed.

“Of course, with regard to President Sánchez and the economic policy of our government, we will continue to take the best measures at all times to be able to continue promoting economic growth and job creation,” he added.

Finally, and in relation to his candidacy to preside over the European Investment Bank (EIB), Calviño has assured that he has “very strong” support, although he did not want to specify which one, and has hoped that this issue can be resolved before ends 2023.