Former Vice President Carmen Calvo has resigned her seat in Congress to be the Government’s candidate to preside over the Council of State, replacing former Minister Magdalena Valerio, whose appointment was annulled by Justice.

The resignation from the seat was reported by ‘OkDiario’ and socialist sources later confirmed the proposal for her appointment as president of the Council of State.

Carmen Calvo, a native of Cabra (Córdoba) and professor of Constitutional Law, has been a Congress representative in three different stages: first for her native Córdoba between 2004 and 2011, then she returned to Madrid with Pedro Sánchez between 2019 and 2023, and in the Last elections he renewed his seat, but now for Granada.

Her career in the Administration began in the Andalusian Government as Minister of Culture in the Andalusian Government of Manuel Chaves for eight years and in 2004 she was called to Madrid by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero as Minister of Culture.

It is Pedro Sánchez who wins the playoffs in 2018 as vice president in his monochrome PSOE government and later in the first stage of the coalition Executive with Unida Podemos.

As vice president and later as president of the Equality Commission, Carmen Calvo did not hide her disagreements with the ‘purple’ feminism led by Irene Montero, and openly criticized the ‘trans law’ to the point of breaking voting discipline and abstaining when the PSOE voted yes.