The Valencian chain of themed hotels Casual Hotels, with a presence in 12 cities in Spain, Portugal and Italy, has closed the year 2022 with revenues of 23.6 million euros, while the gross operating result (Ebitda) obtained by that activity stood at around 5 million euros.

Despite the fact that in 2022 Casual Hotels had 5 more hotels than in 2019 (Casual with Duende Cádiz incorporated in 2020 and Casual Colors Barcelona, ??Casual Pop Art Benidorm, Casual Raizes Porto and Casual Rinascimento Firenze in 2022), the increase compared to that year It can be considered very important, growing 55.26% in revenue and 284.61% in Ebitda.

Regarding the average occupancy of the hotels in 2022, it was 87.11%, very similar to that reached in 2019, which was 87.05%. However, the benefits per available room (Revpar) last year was 20.25% higher than in 2019, with the average price per room going from 64.59 euros in 2019 to 77.55 euros in 2022.

The tourism recovery registered in 2022 has been possible thanks, above all, to the boost from the national market which, in the case of Casual Hotels, generated 39% of reservations.

The other two markets that contributed the most were Italian and French, with 8.2% and 6.9%, respectively; followed by the British, Dutch and German, with more or less 3.5% each. Finally, it is worth noting the North American that, although it remains at 3%, in 2022 it led the maximum increase in the chain’s customers with an increase of 296.2% compared to 2019.

The Casual Pop Art Benidorm hotel has been the favorite establishment of the Spaniards, the Casual Cine Valencia that of the Italians, the Casual Don Juan Tenorio Sevilla that of the French, the Casual del Teatro Madrid that of the North Americans and the Casual Raizes Porto the of the Portuguese.

Taking into account the positive results registered in the first four-month period of the year, the chain predicts that this year will be even better than that of 2022. Thus, from January to April of this year, revenues of 7.46 million euros have been registered.

If it is compared with the figure reached last year, and the 4 new hotels that were not yet open on that date are not included, the revenue figure for 2023 would be 6.12 million, and would represent an increase of 30.1% compared to the same period of 2022.

Casual Hotels has established itself last year as one of the main ‘pet friendly’ chains in Spain. Thus, in 2022 the group’s hotels received a total of 3,336 reservations from customers accompanied by pets, which generated 3.72% of the company’s total revenue.

Regarding the profile of customers with pets, 53.3% of them were Spanish, and almost the other half were foreigners, the French being the most numerous, who represented 7.9%. Their average stay was 2.35 days, and they spent an average of 228.3 euros per stay. The time in which they traveled the most with their animals was in August and at Christmas (including both December and January).

Most of them were singles, and their favorite Pet Friendly establishments were Casual Las Olas San Sebastián, which in 2022 received a total of 1,724 pet reservations (representing 7.66% of its revenue); and Casual de las Artes Valencia, which during the same period welcomed 1,410 pets (reaching 5.76% of its income).