Warns that an increasingly complicated business climate is being created and foresees a deterioration in Spain’s image abroad


The Spanish Confederation of Business Organizations (CEOE) has warned this Monday of the “serious impairment” that the agreements for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as President of the Government may entail to the separation of powers and legal security, and has warned about “the fragmentation and the institutional weakening” that the country is suffering.

The president of the employers’ association, Antonio Garamendi, convened this Monday an “extraordinary and urgent” executive committee to address the situation in Spain, given the serious concern that exists in the business world after the agreements for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as president of the Government .

In a statement sent after the meeting, the CEOE has warned that the agreements directly affect the principle of equality between all Spaniards, which is “the cornerstone of the Constitution since 1978 and the foundation of social cohesion and coexistence of the country”.

Likewise, the employers’ association has warned that an “increasingly complicated” business climate is being created, in which it is very difficult to have economic growth and job creation.

Added to this, according to the employers’ association, is a foreseeable distortion of market unity and a deterioration of Spain’s image abroad, keys to competitiveness, attracting investment, business development and, ultimately, to the well-being of Spanish society.

At this point, the Executive Committee of CEOE has also defended the right of companies to decide where to carry out their activity and, in any case, has insisted that the best way to attract investment and the presence of companies in a territory is guarantee a favorable climate for its activity, “starting by preserving a situation of institutional stability and legal security.”

At the meeting it was revealed that, while the public debate focuses on questioning principles established in the legal system or economic policies are proposed that “load the fiscal cost of investiture agreements on the backs of companies”, it is leaving aside something as basic as the need to return to economic orthodoxy and budgetary rigor, which the EU continues to demand and which does not allow delay if the sustainability of the State is to be guaranteed.

Another element of concern for Spanish companies is the lack of respect for the autonomy of the parties within collective bargaining and, in general, the disregard for the social dialogue that underlies the agreements reached on labor matters.

“The latter agreements represent, de facto, a violation of the framework of labor relations and spaces for consensus,” the employers denounced.

The employers’ association has thus attacked the agreement between PSOE and PNV on labor matters for the reform of the Workers’ Statute within a period of six months so that regional agreements can prevail over sectoral ones.

The prevalence of regional agreements over sectoral agreements is an old demand of Basque nationalists. In fact, the non-inclusion of this modification in the Workers’ Statute caused the PNV to vote against Yolanda Díaz’s labor reform.

For this reason, CEOE, Cepyme and ATA, representing all Spanish companies – self-employed, SMEs and large companies – have demanded a return to the great political and social consensus and moderation, “embodied in the Constitution.”

“Spanish companies, from our constitutional role and our responsibility as a social partner, are going to continue working from independence, institutional loyalty and the sense of State,” the organization has insisted.

CEOE has assured that it will also defend, as until now, these principles before European bodies, with the help of BusinessEurope, a European business organization in which we hold one of the Vice-Presidencies, the International Organization of Employers (IOE), of which CEOE is a member. part, and the European small business organization SMEunited, of which Cepyme and ATA are members.

“Everyone’s objective must be to preserve social peace and coexistence among all Spaniards within the constitutional margins and, therefore, we call to place these principles above any other political or economic interest.” concludes the statement.

At this link you can download resource images of the “extraordinary and urgent” executive committee.