The INE has to communicate the advanced IPCA data to the Treasury and the increase would be approved by the Council of Ministers


The payroll of public employees will increase by up to 0.5% next October with retroactive effects from January 2023, after knowing the latest inflation data, which places the estimated annual variation rate of the Index in the month of September. of Harmonized Consumer Prices (IPCA) at 3.2%.

This salary increase is the result of the Framework Agreement for a 21st Century Administration, signed by the CCOO and UGT unions with the Government at the General Table of public administrations.

As agreed, the payrolls of public employees would increase by a fixed 2.5% in 2023, with the possibility of two variable increases, of 0.5% each. The first will be applied if the harmonized CPI for 2022 and 2023 – until September according to the advance data – exceeded 6% and the second variable of 0.5% would operate if the nominal GDP in 2023 exceeded that forecast by the Government (2 ,1%).

According to what sources from the Ministry of Finance and Public Function have told Europa Press, now the National Institute of Statistics (INE) has to officially communicate its data to the Department and then it has to go to the Council of Ministers.

Prior to this, union sources have confirmed to Europa Press that a meeting of the Framework Agreement monitoring commission will be held this afternoon – with the presence of the Government and the unions that signed the CCOO and UGT agreement – to address this issue.

After the confirmation this Thursday that in the month of September the estimated annual variation rate of the IPCA is 3.2%, the accumulated indicator since 2022 (5.5%) exceeds 6%, which would have This new maximum increase of 0.5% in the salary of civil servants must occur in October, which will be retroactive from January 2023.

Furthermore, in 2023, if the increase in nominal GDP is equal to or greater than that estimated in the macroeconomic table that accompanies the General State Budget (2.1%), another complementary increase of 0.5% will be applied. .

This possible complementary increase for the year 2023, of a consolidated nature, would have effects from January 1, 2023 and is very likely to occur, since the Government itself has anticipated that the GDP will grow above the official estimate (2.1% ), as corroborated by national and international organizations that have revised their estimates upwards, in most cases above the 2.1% expected.

For the year 2024, the fixed salary increase will be 2%, based on the salaries already increased in the previous year.

In addition to the fixed increase for the year 2024, if the sum of the variation in the IPCA for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024 exceeds the accumulated fixed remuneration increase for 2022, 2023 and 2024 established in the previous paragraphs, an additional remuneration increase will be applied and consolidated 0.5%. This additional increase would take effect from January 1, 2024.

It must be taken into account that the agreement, published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) in October of last year, included a fixed salary increase of 3.5% for 2022, taking into account the 2% increase already approved in Law 22/2021, of December 28, on the General State Budgets for that year.