Appoints Julio Poyo-Guerrero as new director of his cabinet and ratifies Álvaro López Barceló as president of the FROB MADRID, Feb. 13 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Council of Ministers approved this Tuesday, at the proposal of the Minister of Economy, Commerce and Business, Carlos Body, the appointments of several senior officials of the Ministry, thus completing the renewal of the management team.

Specifically, Carlos Body has appointed Víctor Ausín as the new general director of Economic Policy; Eduardo Aguilar as general director of Macroeconomic Analysis; Carla Díaz Álvarez de Toledo, as general director of the Treasury; Inés Carpio San Román as the new general director of International Financing and Julio Poyo-Guerrero as director of his office.

Furthermore, the appointment of Álvaro López Barceló as president of the FROB (Fund for Orderly Banking Restructuring) has been ratified after passing the consultation with the Cortes Generales.

The Government has appointed Víctor Ausín Rodríguez (Barcelona, ??1983) as the new general director of Economic Policy, who had been holding the position of general director of Macroeconomic Analysis since 2021.

Ausín is a Senior Telecommunications Engineer from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (2006) and completed his final degree project at the RWTH University of Aachen (Germany).

He is also a graduate in Political and Administration Sciences from UNED (2018) and belongs to the Higher Corps of Commercial Technicians and State Economists since 2016.

In his previous position he has provided exhaustive monitoring of the national economic situation and macroeconomic imbalances. Its tasks have also included the economic forecasts that accompany the General State Budgets, the Budget Plan and the Stability Program, as well as the evaluation and monitoring of the macroeconomic impact of the measures and reforms adopted by the Government in terms of policy. economical.

The new general director of Macroeconomic Analysis, Eduardo Aguilar García, has a degree in Economics and Law from the Carlos III University and a Master in Public Policy from the Goldman School of the University of Berkeley, California, with a Fulbright scholarship (2020).

Since 2014, he belongs to the Higher Corps of Commercial Technicians and State Economists. He has developed his professional career in the Ministry of Economy in various positions of responsibility under the General Directorate of Macroeconomic Analysis, which he joined in 2014 as head of service.

In 2021, he was appointed deputy director general of Economic Analysis and International Coordination in charge of coordinating the Stability Program, preparing analyzes of medium and long-term trends of the Spanish economy, evaluating and quantifying the economic and sustainability impact. of debt from economic policy measures.

Carla Díaz Álvarez de Toledo, new general director of the Treasury, has a degree in Business Administration and Management from the Pontifical University of Comillas and belongs to the Higher Corps of Commercial Technicians and State Economists.

Since January 2021, she has been Director of Resolution at the FROB, where, among other tasks, she has been in charge of the representation and coordination of the Spanish position in international resolution forums in the Single Resolution Board, the European Banking Authority or the Financial Stability Council.

Inés Carpio San Román, the new general director of International Financing, has a degree in Economics from the Autonomous University of Madrid, in the Educational Cooperation program, although she completed her last year at Georgetown University (United States).

She has been awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Civil Merit. She belongs to the Higher Corps of Commercial Technicians and State Economists since 2007 and was an advisory member of the State Secretariat of Budgets and Expenses, in the Ministry of Finance, after having worked in the General Directorate of Macroeconomic Analysis.

Julio Manuel Poyo-Guerrero Rodríguez has been appointed director of the cabinet of the Minister of Economy, Commerce and Business, Carlos Body. Until now, he was part of the Economic Office of the President of the Government, where he has worked, first as an advisor, later as Deputy Director General of Sectoral Policies and recently as Deputy Director of Strategic Projects.

Graduated in Law and Business Administration and Management from the Carlos III University of Madrid, since 2010 he has belonged to the Higher Corps of Commercial Technicians and State Economists and since 2019 he has held the prestigious CFA financial certification.

He began his career in the General Directorate of Trade and Investment of the Ministry of Industry and, later, in the Public Treasury, where he remained for almost 5 years dedicated to the management and financing of the State’s public debt as Deputy Deputy Director General.

Among its tasks were the organization and resolution of public debt auctions of the State, the relationship with investors, monitoring the secondary market of Public Debt and advising different public companies on their access to the capital markets.

The Council of Ministers has also ratified the appointment of Álvaro López Barceló as the new president of the Fund for Orderly Bank Restructuring (FROB), after passing the consultation with the Cortes Generales.

The FROB is the institution that acts as the Spanish Resolution Authority, integrated into the European network of authorities led by the Single Resolution Board (JUR).

Álvaro López Barceló is president of the Permanent Committee on the Prevention of Money Laundering, president of the Interministerial Working Group on green bonds and sustainable finances, president of the Financial Intelligence Committee, member of the Editorial Board of ICE Magazine, member of the Technical Committee of the Financial Stability Authority (AMCESFI) and representative of Spain on the Financial Stability Board.

He has a degree in Economics from the Autonomous University of Madrid and completed the Leadership Program for Public Management at the IESE Business School of the University of Navarra. In 2007 he joined the Higher Corps of Commercial Technicians and State Economists.