The complainant asks for 12 years in prison and the Prosecutor’s Office 9


The footballer Dani Alves will arrive this Monday at the Barcelona Court for the start of the trial in which he is accused of allegedly sexually assaulting a girl at the Sutton nightclub, a hearing set for one year and 15 days after his entry into court. provisional prison.

The trial will last until Wednesday and the private prosecution of the complainant demands a sentence that condemns him to 12 years in prison, while the Prosecutor’s Office has demanded a sentence of nine years in prison.

The player’s defense, first led by lawyer Cristóbal Martell and now by lawyer Inés Guardiola, has on several occasions considered an agreement with the accusations that would imply a lower sentence for the footballer.

However, judicial sources consulted by Europa Press affirm that until this Friday, two days before the start of the trial, there were no negotiations or contacts between the parties in this regard.

The same sources recall that an agreement of these characteristics is possible until the start of the trial on Monday at 10 a.m.

The trial will begin with the processing of preliminary issues and the testimony of the complainant is scheduled for this Monday, who in the courtroom will be separated from the accused by a screen to prevent them from having eye contact.

Also as a measure of protection for the victim, the court has ordered that her statement be held behind closed doors and the judicial recording of her statement, which will be recorded as evidence, will be pixelated and with her voice distorted to prevent her from being recognized if she The video is later leaked.

Alves’ interrogation is provisionally set for this Monday, at the expense of his defense being able to request a transfer to the end of the trial, a common request so that the accused can testify answering all the evidence that has been presented.

The trial will resume with witness statements on Tuesday at 3 p.m., in the afternoon due to lack of availability of rooms in the Court, and on Wednesday at the same time the turn for expert evidence, conclusions and reports is reserved. finals.

The court has taken several measures to preserve the privacy of the victim, in addition to those already stated, related to the media coverage that may be given to the trial and for which 270 journalists from 70 media outlets are accredited, including 40 foreign professionals. from 23 international media.

Given the request of all parties for the entire trial to be held behind closed doors, the judges have opted for journalists to be able to listen to and report what happens in the courtroom, but not record or broadcast it, with the exception of the victim’s statement. , which will be behind closed doors.

For this reason, the only image of Alves on the defendant’s bench will be photographs and videos without sound taken during the first minutes of the trial, and the court has also warned that it is prohibited to take photos of the young woman or her relatives or disclose information about her privacy or that allows her to be identified: with the same intention, all those involved in the trial must refer to her as “the complainant”, without mentioning her name.

The court must assess the player’s guilt or innocence based on the evidence collected during the investigation, the young woman’s statement and that of Alves himself, who has given different explanations over the last year.