He denounces that “some and others” are turning Spanish politics into “a delirium and a quagmire”, and calls to stop it


The second vice president of the Government and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, has announced that “in a couple of weeks” her parliamentary group will present a “comprehensive and severe anti-corruption law” in the Congress of Deputies, and has added that she wants to “see there” to the PP and the PSOE, taking a stand.

Díaz participated this Saturday in an event in Vitoria-Gasteiz together with Sumar’s candidate for lehendakari, Alba García, the head of the list for Álava, Jon Hernández, the head of the list for Gipuzkoa, Andeka Larrea, and the co-spokesperson for Berdeak Equo , Carmen Muñoz.

During his speech, Díaz defended that Euskadi needs “a new political cycle, looking to the future and opening the doors to a new time.” “And this means changing things. It means new political ideas, different public policies that have a basic objective,” he said.

In his opinion, we must “improve people’s lives” because “what is behind is no use.” “We are in a permanent struggle right now between maintaining the status quo, doing the same thing as always or moving forward. We say it in the Government of Spain and I say it today in Euskadi,” he said.

The vice president has pointed out the need for “new political blood, also in Euskadi.” “Look, what new ideas are there in politics in our country?” She asked, admitting that it is “a very difficult political moment”, for many “one of the ugliest” since the Transition.

“It is an ugly moment, a moment in politics in which words have no value. Words no longer matter. It is a moment in which we believe, at Sumar, that we contribute nothing if we turn politics into this delirium, In this spectacle, in this quagmire of ‘and you more’, some and others are turning Spanish politics into our country.” “And I say it loud and clear: one and the other,” he added.

According to Yolanda Díaz, Sumar “has not come to politics to turn public affairs into one more thing.” “If there is corruption, let’s act against it, stop the spectacle. Let’s stop this delirium now and put forceful measures before society so that what we are experiencing today in our country never happens again!”, she stated.

At this point, he has anticipated that “in a couple of weeks” his formation will continue “with this task” and will present, from the Parliamentary Group, a “comprehensive and severe anti-corruption law” in Spain. “And we want to see the Popular Party, the Socialist Party and the other political formations there,” he noted. In his opinion, he has to “stop talking, turning this into a quagmire and vote on those norms.”

“If we are so worried about corruption, let’s act against it, because the corruption of the Popular Party is not a joke. The corruption of the men of war, of Aznar’s PP, of Gürtel’s PP, of Mariano Rajoy, cost us 64,000 millions of euros that we suffer in cuts to education and public health. Corruption is no joke,” he warned.

“While people were dying every day in our country, there were others who were stealing, this is not what public policy is for. We have not come from Sumar to steal, we have come to do ERTEs, we have come to provide benefits that improve the lives of the people, with the best social protection mechanism which was the ERTE”, he added

(There will be an extension)