He rejects the expulsion of Nicolás Redondo and trusts that the amnesty law will not go ahead because “it is not possible.”


The former deputy general secretary of the PSOE with Rubalcaba and member of the Council of State, Elena Valenciano, has warned that her formation is “in the hands” of “the pro-independence right” of Junts and has regretted the recent expulsion of Nicolás Redondo for “repeated contempt for abbreviations”.

In an interview on Onda Cero, collected by Europa Press, the socialist leader described the formation of the escaped Carles Puigdemont as “the supremacist right.” Valenciano understands that the Government tries to negotiate “up to the limit” with Junts, but indicates that “the limit has to be the Constitution.”

For the former socialist deputy general secretary, agreeing with those who want “the instability of the country and its fracture” is “a very evil strategy.”

On the other hand, Valenciano has expressed confidence that the possible amnesty law will not go ahead because “it is not possible.” “Apart from the legal debate, something as serious, important and irreversible as an amnesty should only be done with very broad consensus,” she said, citing an article by Javier Cercas in ‘El País’.

A day after the former secretary general of the PSE Nicolás Redondo was expelled from the PSOE, the State Councilor regretted the decision, recalling that when she was deputy secretary general with Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba “critical voices were heard practically every day” and that “never “They thought about expelling anyone.

“The news that a party expels someone is never good news,” he added, highlighting that he does not know the reasons why Redondo was expelled.

He has also referred to the demonstration that the Popular Party has called for next Sunday, September 24 against the possible amnesty law that the PSOE would be negotiating with Junts.

According to Valenciano, the PP “is not playing fairly” by calling for protests while preparing the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo and this denotes that the party “is totally clean.”

Likewise, he has described as “contradictory” the praise that the ‘popular’ are making of former socialist leaders such as Felipe González, Alfonso Guerra or Ramón Jáuregui, since in the past they played “dirty” against them.