They want to continue addressing self-determination and languages ??in the new legislature


The president of ERC, Oriol Junqueras; the head of EH Bildu’s list for the European Parliament, Pernando Barrena; The head of International Relations of the BNG executive, Rubén Cela, and the coordinator of Ara Més, Mateu Mates, signed this Thursday the agreement of the ‘Ara Repúblicas’ coalition to participate in the European elections and have vindicated the work done in this legislature.

In an event led by the MEP and head of the ERC list for the elections, Diana Riba, she celebrated the reissue of the candidacy with which they already participated in the elections in 2019, and that this year it is “more powerful and ambitious” with the incorporation of Ara Més.

“It is a candidacy that aims to work again for stateless nations and to achieve their own state and to build these more just, egalitarian and sustainable societies,” Riba highlighted.

Thus, he explained that in this legislature they want to continue debating the right to self-determination in Europe, something that he considers they have already done in the last five years by having presented “a law of community clarity that should help resolve sovereignty conflicts within The EU”

They also want to defend the respective languages ??in the European institutions “in the face of Spanish nationalism within the Petitions Committee” and promote their official status and convert them into working languages ??in the European Parliament.

Regarding sexist violence, Riba has claimed to have managed to put on the table a directive on this issue as well as “a European legislation that works to protect journalists and all activists in the face of the gag demands that more and more governments and large companies want.” used to silence dissent”.

The ERC MEP also celebrated having achieved the creation of a commission of inquiry into Pegasus and that the report put “the State at the same level as countries like Hungary and Poland in the use of these technologies.”

Despite admitting that they have not achieved everything, he has assured that in the field of defense of the primary sector or that relating to fiscal policies they have found themselves very alone: ??”The parties of the regime and the right have voted against the farmers and in favor of old austericidal recipes that only benefit the usual, the privileged.

For this reason, he has called for participation in the elections because, in his opinion, there is a lot at stake to maintain Europe “as an area of ??rights and freedoms that responds to the different crises, such as the social, economic and ecological, and above all everything democratic”.