He says that “of course” he supports the Ibero-American summits but sees “more comfortable” positions in the Government with “autocratic regimes”


The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has accused this Wednesday the government led by Pedro Sánchez of “manipulating” his recent statements on pensions and on “autocratic” rulers coinciding with the Ibero-American Summit, in a line of “authoritarian drift” which, in his opinion, is more typical of “totalitarian regimes than democratic ones” and “puts the foundations of democracy at risk.”

This has been pronounced at the breakfast presentation of the president of the PP of Castilla-La Mancha and candidate in the May elections, Paco Núñez, in line with the controversy this weekend about his words assuring that he felt proud of not giving up homage to “autocratic rulers”. From Moncloa they called him “ignorant” and harshly charged the head of the opposition and the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, from the Dominican Republic they attributed “bad faith” and “insolvency” to him.

Feijóo has accused the Government of “manipulating” his words and “generating fake news” to try to “silence” opposition criticism. As he explained, the government “intends” that his criticisms become criticisms of the Ibero-American Summit.

“Have no doubt that of course we support this and all the Ibero-American summits and, consequently, the presence of the Government of Spain and the head of state, His Majesty the King,” said the leader of the PP.

Having said this, he has clarified that what the PP is not going to support is that in the last four or five years in Spain “homage is paid to autocratic regimes” with whom “unfortunately some seem to be more comfortable” both “by members of the Government as by leaders and former leaders of the PSOE and Podemos”.

According to Feijóo, what has happened with his words coinciding with the Ibero-American Summit but also in terms of pensions -he has said he defends the same thing that the minister José Luis Escrivá said three years ago- are the two “last examples” of a government that “it has decided to use all possible tools, legitimate and non-legitimate, to attack the opposition.”

Feijóo has insisted that what the Government is doing against the opposition is “unprecedented and unheard of, more typical of totalitarian regimes than democratic ones.” In his opinion, he is part of an “authoritarian line of drift” and of “assault and control of institutions” that “puts the foundations of democracy at risk.”

“I’m afraid it will be like this until the general elections because they have been attacking the opposition since last August without interruption and they have given up governing,” the head of the opposition has predicted.

After reiterating that this is happening because the government is “nervous”, the head of the opposition has guaranteed that he will continue to denounce “things that are wrong” and “maintaining a critical spirit and setting up an alternative to the government”. In addition, he has stressed that the opposition is a “basic and essential element of democratic regimes.”

Feijóo has insisted that what the Government is doing against the opposition is “unprecedented and unheard of, more typical of totalitarian regimes than democratic ones.” In his opinion, it is part of an “authoritarian line of drift” and “assault and control of institutions” that “puts the foundations of democracy at risk.”

“I’m afraid it will be like this until the general elections because they have been attacking the opposition uninterruptedly since last August and have resigned to govern,” the head of the opposition has predicted.

Finally, he praised the work that Paco Núñez is doing in Castilla-La Mancha, who at this breakfast has been supported by the former general secretary of the PP and former president of the region, María Dolores de Cospedal.

Feijóo has said that the citizens will pronounce themselves “clearly” on May 28 at the polls in a “change that will be unstoppable” in this region and “a prelude to the change in Spain, which more and more Spaniards want.” “The road will not be easy and it is clear that they will put up all the obstacles but they will not intimidate us, we will fulfill our obligation, not only to oppose but to present our alternative”, he concluded.