“We are waiting for you on Sunday in Madrid to defend democracy and to continue being free and equal,” he proclaims to PP mayors.

The leader of the PP, Alberto Nuñez Feijóo, accused this Monday the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, of opening a “removal process” and has called to react and take to the streets against this “degradation of politics” and this “path ” which, in his opinion, is the “least democratic” in 40 years.

In this way, he has encouraged support for the protest against the Amnesty Law and the pacts with the independentists that the PP has called this Sunday in the Plaza de España in Madrid. “On the 28th we are waiting for you in Madrid, on the streets again, to defend democracy, to continue being free and equal and to denounce the dismissal process that the PSOE and the independentists are carrying out,” he stated.

This is how Feijóo spoke in a meeting at the PP headquarters with mayors of municipalities with more than 50,000 inhabitants and provincial capitals, whom he asked to raise their voices in the “breakdown of equality” of citizens that the amnesty law.

Feijóo stated that “the blackmailers have seen that the Government has bowed” and, therefore, “they will continue to up the ante.” In his opinion, “this degradation of politics and institutions inaugurates the less democratic path that we have experienced in Spain in the last 40 years.”

At this point, he has denounced that the rights of the opposition are “trampled on”, the mayors of the PP are “ignored”, attempts are made to “ignore the lawyers of Congress” and an attempt is made to “single out those judges who dictate the sentences.” according to law.”

“In short, a path that we democrats have to fight. And that is why this party in the Senate, with that absolute majority that the people have given us, we are going to recover the dignity of parliamentarism,” Feijóo stated.

For this reason, Feijóo has stressed that the PP will be on the streets again this Sunday because it is its “obligation” in the face of what is happening in Spain. “I am counting on you because I know you and because I know that you do not give up, because you are representing the Spain that does not give up,” he stated.


The PP wants to involve its councilors throughout Spain in its offensive against Sánchez’s agreements against the independence movement and, for this reason, it has announced that on Saturday the 3,361 PP mayors representing 23.2 million Spaniards will sign a manifesto for the equality.

“On Saturday we will sign a manifesto for the equality of all the streets, all the towns and all the citizens of Spain,” Feijóo declared in this colloquium with the mayors of Castellón, Zaragoza, Huelva, Teruel, Alcalá de Henares and Cartagena : Begoña Carrasco García, Natalia Chueca Muñoz, Pilar Miranda Plata, Emma Buj, Judith Piquet Flores and Noelia María Arroyo Hernández.

According to Feijóo, PP mayors do not have “hidden” agreements nor do they have to “serve minorities.” “The mayors and municipal governments of the Popular Party are the best ambassadors for the central government alternative,” he added.

The leader of the PP has stated that “national politics needs more municipalism and less separatism.” “And if we made a national policy with this rigor of the municipality, with this municipalist rigor, without a doubt today we would be a better country, a better nation and we would serve the interests of the citizens much better,” he said.


According to Feijóo, PP mayors must be the voice of those citizens who do not have one and not remain silent in the face of inequalities, “privileges” or any economic, social or political injustice. “If the PSOE mayors are going to be silent in the face of the favorable treatment of the majority, that’s them; if they continue to fail to comply with their municipalities to accept marketing, that’s them. Our obligation is to defend equality,” he added.

The president of the PP has said that “public service is not the same as servitude to a minority” and has stressed that “in the face of the servitude of the Socialist Party, the PP will always serve the majority of Spaniards.”

“This Spain of public service bears more than ever the name of a State party, whose only pact is with the citizens, which knows that education is not resolved in a meeting but with an adequate model and that it is not enough to just talk about health, but you have to put the necessary tools in place,” he concluded.