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Supported by Aznar, Rajoy and their ‘barons’, he warns that the Spanish are not “stupid” and are not going to “swallow” with this “fraud”

The leader of the PP and candidate for the Presidency of the Government, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, warned this Sunday to the Spaniards who did not vote in the general elections of July 23 “a change in the constitutional regime” and has harshly attacked the PSOE for being “complicit” in the “indignity” of the amnesty to the ‘procés’ that Pedro Sánchez intends to remain in Moncloa. Two days before the investiture debate in the Plenary of Congress, he has indicated that the Spanish are not “stupid” and are not going to “swallow” with this “fraud” and this “cacicada.”

“There is no consent from the Spanish people to stop being a nation of free and equal citizens,” Feijóo proclaimed at the PP event against the amnesty in the Plaza de Felipe II that brought together some 60,000 people, according to PP sources. However, the Government delegation in Madrid has estimated 40,000 attendees at this call.

Previously, the former presidents José María Aznar and Mariano Rajoy have taken the floor, who have agreed to call for raising their voices regarding what Pedro Sánchez intends. The president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, and the mayor of the capital, José Luis Martínez Almeida, have also participated.

Feijóo has also surrounded himself with all his territorial ‘barons’ in a photo of unity that he wanted to contrast with the division that, according to the PP, there is in the socialist ranks after the harsh criticism of the amnesty of veteran leaders such as Felipe González and Alfonso War.

“There are parties whose presidents consider them dinosaurs, spokespersons for the old regime. Friends, for us Aznar and Rajoy are the present memory of the best Spain, the present memory of the best Spain,” he stated, to warn that when a party “does not respects his elders and will not have a present or a future.

In this sense, and after thanking the two former presidents for their support, he stressed that Aznar and Rajoy “are not the past” for the PP but rather they are “the present” and the “guide to order the future” of the country.

He has also thanked those socialists who are publicly defending what the PSOE has defended “always” and until two months ago. “They may be designated by a Socialist Party that is no longer a State party, but they will be designated by the majority of Spaniards as men and women of the State, which is what is important,” he stressed, adding that “perhaps” they will not. have a place in the PSOE but they will have it “in the Spain of coexistence that they helped to forge.”


Feijóo has criticized the PSOE for its criticism of the PP for organizing this open meeting. “They told us that if we came to the street we would be inciting rebellion. Well, man, if that were the case, which it is not, we would not have any problem because in Spain the coup has the right, first to a pardon, then to the amnesty and third, they will ask us to vote for them. And we are not going to do that anymore,” he exclaimed.

Next, he recalled that on September 24, 1810 “the deputies of the Cortes of Cádiz held their first meeting in San Fernando and proclaimed that sovereignty resided in the nation”, something that was later reflected in the Constitution of 1812.

“Today, more than two centuries later, on September 24, 2023, after 45 years of democracy, we Spaniards are forced to defend what they proclaimed in 1812. Our sovereignty, our constitutional values, our freedoms and our right to equal opportunities,” he said.


At this point, Feijóo has reproached Sánchez and the PSOE for having “invented” the “noise” of “the progressive majority” but has stressed that “they are neither progressive, nor are they socialists, nor are they the majority.” In his opinion, they are not socialists “when they seek to establish privileges for an elite of politicians to the detriment” of others.

“What they do only has one name, indignity; they only have a few accomplices, the current Spanish Socialist Workers Party; and they only have one person responsible, the one who is in the Moncloa palace after having lost the elections,” he added.

Two days before his investiture debate in Congress, Feijóo has warned Sánchez that if they want, they will discuss in parliament whether the Spaniards have voted for this change or not in the constitutional regime. According to him, he added, the PP is not going to “negotiate fraud” and has criticized that they are “disguised” with “euphemisms.”

“Of course, what no Spaniards voted for, at least 94% of Spaniards, was a change in the constitutional regime. That was not voted on. That is a fraud aggravated and reiterated by the same person,” he proclaimed, harvesting again a standing ovation from the audience.


After thanking Vox, UPN and CC for the support they are going to give him in the investiture, he has asked the Sánchez Government not to take the Spaniards for fools because “they are not stupid” and they are not going to “swallow” this “cacidade.” ” what the acting head of the Executive intends.

Feijóo has stressed that there is no room for “privileges for some and for Spaniards to pay for it,” just as there is no room for “first-class or second-class citizens.” “And if what we defend today bothers those who are in the Moncloa palace after losing the elections or those who remain on Ferraz Street, it will be their problem, but it cannot be Spain’s problem, it cannot be Spain’s problem. the Spanish,” he said.

After defending the “plural” and “diverse” Spain that “strengthens them as a society” to face “challenges”, he assured that languages ??mean wealth and understanding. “Let’s not treat each other like foreigners in our own country. Let’s communicate with respect and not with earpieces and karaoke screens,” she indicated, to warn Congress that “it will be understood, not translated.”


Before a dedicated audience, who chanted ‘president, president’, Feijóo stressed that the PP is not going to give up its principles to reach the Government. “Even if it costs me the Presidency of the Government, I will defend that Spain is a group of free and equal citizens.”

In this sense, he has indicated that “Pedro Sánchez will pass” and he will pass too but what remains is what they do. “There he wants to be remembered in the history of our country,” he said to the acting head of the Executive, to ensure that he is “very clear” because he owes himself “exclusively to all Spaniards.”

“Whether or not I will be the Presidency of the Government now or soon, but as far as I am concerned what will remain for Spain will be freedom, equality and dignity,” he concluded his speech. The match put the finishing touch to the event with the Spanish anthem.