The ‘popular’ are preparing an institutional and legal response against the “shameful negotiations” of the PSOE to the independence movement


The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has called this Monday a meeting of the National Board of Directors of the PP in which he will stage a common front with his territorial ‘barons’ against the amnesty and the “shameful negotiations” of the PSOE to the independence movement to achieve the investiture of the socialist Pedro Sánchez, according to party sources.

While waiting to know in detail the fine print of the PSOE agreements with Junts, ERC, Bildu and PNV, the ‘popular’ already anticipate that they will use all the instruments of the Rule of Law to oppose the Amnesty Law and the “privileges “in economic matters that break the principle of equality between Spaniards.

This coordinated response of the party as a whole will be displayed on Monday before the National Board of Directors of the PP, the highest body of the party between congresses that brings together more than 300 positions among the steering committee, regional presidents, deputies and senators of the Popular Group.

“You will see a PP revolted against a PSOE that is willing to buy seven votes with everyone’s money to protect Pedro Sánchez as President of the Government,” sources from Feijóo’s team told Europa Press.

If Fejóo had already announced that he will appeal the Amnesty Law to the Constitutional Court if it is approved in Parliament, the ‘barons’ of the PP are also willing to fight in court against the “cessions” that are taking place and that, In their opinion, they are detrimental to the equality of Spaniards.

For now, there is agreement that the forgiveness of up to 15,000 million euros of debt from the Autonomous Liquidity Fund (FLA) to Catalonia “generates inequality” between the communities. For now, the Galician Alfonso Rueda has demanded a Conference of Presidents while the Andalusian Juanma Moreno has asked that Andalusia receive the same treatment that is going to be given to Catalonia and that would translate into 17.8 billion, as he has stated.

The regional presidents of the PP already announced two weeks ago in the Senate, at the meeting of the General Commission of Autonomous Communities, that they would act legally to prevent “grievances and discrimination” against their communities if there were advantages in financing or debt forgiveness for Catalonia.

The ‘popular’ have publicly assured that they are not going to remain “silent” in the face of the “cessions” of the Socialist Party to the independentists to remain in power and will also resort to street mobilizations.

Thus, the party will continue with its protest rallies against the amnesty. On Sunday he held an event in Valencia, similar to those he has already held in Toledo, Malaga or Madrid (the latter being the most massive, bringing together more than 60,000 people in the Plaza de Felipe II, according to the party).

Furthermore, the PP has confirmed its attendance at the mobilization called by several civil society associations on November 18, to which Feijóo will attend accompanied by members of his team. The president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, will also attend this mobilization.

The ‘popular’ believe that they will soon be able to see the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont “going down the steps of the plane in Spain and laughing at all the Spaniards.” “That photo is going to be produced and has already been agreed upon,” the sources consulted have assured.

Given that Pedro Sánchez’s investiture has not yet taken place, sources from the PP leadership rule out that Feijóo plans to use Monday’s Board of Directors to announce the organic changes he had promised.

Sources from Feijóo’s team place these changes in a later Executive Committee, once the investiture of Pedro Sánchez has taken place, especially when the political news is now marked by the negotiations with ERC and Junts.

In any case, in the ranks of the PP there is nervousness about this possible remodeling that Feijóo may undertake. One of the main unknowns is what role Cuca Gamarra will have in the new organizational chart, given that he now combines the general secretary of the PP with the spokesperson for the Popular Group in Congress.

A few days ago, the president of the PP wanted to send a message of calm to his people by ensuring that he is not going to change a team in the Popular Party that has “won the elections” and, therefore, will continue to have that same team. who contributed to this year’s “electoral successes,” either in their current positions or “in other similar ones.”