He defends seeking a “fit” to the “territorial problem” of Catalonia but stresses that it must be a State pact and within the law

The leader of the PP and candidate for the Presidency of the Government, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has called this Wednesday on the acting Government and the Socialists to “reconsider” before the “blackmail” that the former president of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemot has raised to support the investiture . Having said this, he has expressed his desire to be able to maintain contact with the PSOE “again” before the investiture debate to seek “solutions among all of us to the problems of Spain”, without “getting” the country into “more problems”.

“In politics, not everything is worth it. You cannot accept everything to be president of the Government of Spain. You cannot accept the bankruptcy of the State,” Feijóo declared at a press conference in Santa Cruz de Tenerife together with the president of the Government of the Canary Islands , Fernando Clavijo, within the framework of the round of contacts that the PP is holding before the investiture debate scheduled for September 26 and 27.

Feijóo has stressed that it is “unacceptable” to accept an amnesty prior to the investiture and “an independence referendum” because it is something “illegal”, in the same way that it is “unacceptable to finance the independence movement in Spain”.

The leader of the PP has assured that the fact that Pedro Sánchez, who has “lost the elections”, is “willing to do anything to be president of the Government, is not deserved by the Spanish people”. For this reason, he has called on the socialists to “reconsider.”

“At this moment we do not have to decide between accepting blackmail or new elections, we have a third way, which are the constitutional pacts between the constitutionalist parties and that is the way that the majority wants,” he said.

Having said this, the president of the ‘popular’ has recognized that they must seek “a fit for the territorial problem of Catalonia” but has made it clear “that will be a State pact or it will not be” and that “it will be done in accordance with the law or shall not be done.”


When expressly asked if, in the event that his investiture fails, the PP would be willing to facilitate a PSOE government so as not to have the support of the independentistas after Puigdemont’s demands, Feijóo has indicated that the PSOE “does not want agreements with the PP” nor “has wanted them anywhere in Spain”. “It is also true that no Spanish prime minister can ever be the one who has lost the elections,” he added at another time during his appearance.

That said, he highlighted the fact that Vox, the third force, does not oppose a “great agreement” between PP and PSOE to “take Spain forward.” “I prefer the yes of 11 million citizens to the yes of four deputies. And I prefer not to be president of the Government than to be president subjected to blackmail that lasts as long as the legislature will last,” he highlighted.

For this reason, he has said that he wishes that, before the inauguration scheduled for the end of the month, the PP could “again maintain some contact with the Socialist Party to try that together” they seek “solutions to the problems of Spain.”

In this sense, he has insisted on his “outstretched hand” to launch a “third way” of constitutional pacts between constitutionalist parties, instead of blocking and repeating elections. “The majority have voted for the embrace between Spaniards, the consensus and the height of vision,” he proclaimed.


Feijóo has affirmed that he cannot accept Puigdemont’s conditions for being president and that those who have broken the law “have a letter of marque to continue breaking it.” “I cannot accept that Spanish democracy is the same as a dictatorship and that, therefore, there is room for amnesty for crimes committed that violate democracy. And I cannot accept that Spain does not remain a nation after 500 years of existence”, he added.

In addition, he stressed that this is taking place at a time when the independence movement “is at its lowest hour from an electoral point of view and that is that only 6% of voters have voted for independence parties” compared to 94% who have voted for national parties. “94% of the population cannot be blackmailed by the 6% vote for independence,” she added.

Feijóo has reiterated that “everything cannot be accepted to be president of the Government of Spain”. “There is no room for amnesty in our legal system, therefore, we are not going to grant amnesty to anyone,” he added, once again accusing Sánchez of being “willing to do anything” just to stay in Moncloa.


As he already advanced this Tuesday, Feijóo has assured that the PP will not meet Junts after learning of Puigdemont’s conditions, whom he has “thanked for his sincerity” and who has made his demands clear “without cheating or cardboard”.

“If the requirements that Mr. Puigdemont established yesterday for me to be President of the Government are maintained, we have little to talk about and we can avoid the meeting. In any case, if Junts modifies, changes or qualifies these requirements, we have no inconvenient in maintaining and continuing to hear what they want to convey to us,” he declared, adding that their demands are “unacceptable” and the PP does not want to “deceive anyone, not Mr. Puigdemont either.”