The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has harshly attacked the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, for the “embarrassment” of allowing an “expert supposedly in negotiations between terrorists and Latin American guerrillas”, in reference to the Salvadoran diplomat Francisco Galindo Pérez , act as a verifier at the meeting that PSOE and Junts held in Switzerland. After announcing more street protests, he stated that Spain is “taking steps backwards” in democracy with the PSOE and Sumar Executive.

“We are not going to accept the opacity with which they meet and negotiate clandestinely in the name of the Spanish people. Not in our name, not in that of the majority of Spaniards, dignity and democracy are not negotiated clandestinely. of Spain,” Feijóo proclaimed in an event at the Temple of Debod in Madrid with nearly 15,000 people, according to the party.

The participants, with banners such as ‘Sánchez traitor’, shouted ‘Puigdemont to prison’, ‘There is a president who is a criminal’ or ‘I like fruit’ when Isabel Díaz Ayuso came on stage. A Vox delegation led by the general secretary of the Parliamentary Group, José María Figaredo, supported the event, where there was also a booth for the union of this formation, ‘Solidaridad’.

A day after it was revealed that PSOE and Junts have chosen the Salvadoran diplomat Francisco Galindo Pérez – an expert on refugees – as an international verifier for the meetings that both parties will hold, Feijóo has denounced the “embarrassment at resorting to foreign mediation among compatriots”.

After denouncing the “opacity” of this contact in Switzerland, he stated that it is a “humiliation” to accept this mediation and stressed that “the dignity of Spain is not negotiated clandestinely.” As he has said, an expert on “guerrillas” does not have to say how Spain treats one of its communities. “I demand on behalf of Spain that this nonsense stops,” he demanded.

Feijóo has indicated that if they do not like these mobilizations, they should “prepare because there will be many more” as long as “they do not reestablish the rule of law” in Spain. “They want us still, with our hands up, contemplating the robbery of our equality. They want us silent!” he denounced, to warn that the Government will have “several democratic cups of broth a day”, a “broth that they cultivate “.

The leader of the PP has made it clear that the PP is not going to “whitewash” the alliances of Sánchez and the PSOE with the independentists nor are they going to “normalize the scandals, no matter how continuous they are.” “We are not going to naturalize indecency, even though it is their usual way of acting. The more they close the doors of Congress, the more we will go out into the streets. The more they try to control Justice, the more they will have to answer to it and the more they lie, they will have to hear more truths,” he stated.

Furthermore, the president of the PP has assured that “Spain is with its Constitution and Spain is not with its Government because the Government is against the Constitution and in favor of those who do not abide by the Constitution.” “On the side of the wall on which Sánchez has placed himself there are only lies and political corruption,” he proclaimed,