He says that Sánchez is the “main responsible” for what is happening in Spain” and that the PSOE seeks to “change the conversation”

The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, condemned this Wednesday the acts of vandalism at the national headquarters of the PSOE on Feraz Street, but he has warned the acting head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, that he cannot give lessons when he is going to ” amnesty violence” with the Amnesty Law that negotiates with the independentistas.

“Let’s make things clear. On one side are those who commit or amnesty violent and undemocratic acts and on the other those who condemn both,” Feijóo declared at the PP’s parliamentary session ‘Facing amnesty, equality, freedom and dignity’ organized by the Popular Group.

Before the deputies and senators of the PP who attended these sessions, Feijóo assured that the amnesty is a “democratic aberration from a political point of view, indecent from a moral point of view and illegal from a legal point of view.”

That said, he has warned that the PP, whether in the Government or in the opposition, has an “enormous responsibility” and they will continue doing their work because they are “the only constitutional refuge that Spaniards have at this moment.” And they will do it, he has said, even if they try to “blackmail” them.

Feijóo, who has criticized that the “professionals of manipulation and lies” say that he is not “clear”, has stated that “violence has no place in democracy”, whether it comes from “far-left ultras” or from “extreme right”, and “should always be rejected. Of course, he has stressed that his “impunity” has no place in democracy either.

For this reason, he has stressed that the PP is not going to accept “any lesson” from the PSOE and those who “called demonstrations at the PP headquarters”; “they chartered buses to protest against the election results”; they “scratched” leaders and members of the PP; or “they surrounded Congress when the Plenary Session of the House was in session.”

What’s more, he stressed that the PP is not going to accept “any lesson from those who are working so that violent acts go unpunished” in the Amnesty Law, alluding to the actions of CDR or Tsunami Democratic. Thus, he has said that “while the ultras are being criticized”, “the same ones who criticize them are those who are giving impunity to the violent acts that interest them.”

Feijóo has indicated that, after the riots in Ferraz, different members of the PSOE have pointed out that those who do not condemn violence encourage it. In his opinion, “they are right and they should apply the story”, given that, as he has said, the socialists intend to “amnesty” the violence that occurred in Catalonia after the ‘procés’ ruling. “And when you try to amnesty violence you cannot give any example or any lesson to those of us who condemn violence,” he told Sánchez.

In this sense, he said that it is “curious” that the PP, which is there to “defend the rule of law”, is accused of “those who are violating the rule of law.” As he has said, “no one is going to be able to stigmatize the civic opposition to nonsense” because there are “many more” of us who are convinced of the “nonsense initiated by Sánchez simply to stay” in power after losing the general elections.


The president of the PP has stated that Sánchez is “the main person responsible for what is happening in Spain” and has demanded that he “go back” because his decisions that he is going to make “do not have the consent of the Spanish people” and “do not guarantee coexistence, but they destroy it”.

At this point, he has reiterated that in the defense of the equality of the Spanish people, no one is going to “shut them up” or “stop them” and they will continue to “raise their voices” in all areas, including the street, with “peaceful mobilizations.” in defense of the rule of law” like the one that, according to what he said, they are going to celebrate this Sunday in the squares of the cities of Spain.

“We are not going to stop pointing out what is happening, nor normalize it or let it fall into oblivion, which is what they intend,” he highlighted, to warn that what the socialists are looking for is to “change the conversation” about what the amnesty but they will not do it because “liberties, the rule of law and Spanish democracy are at stake.”


In his speech, Feijóo listed the “disastrous” consequences that the amnesty will have, such as turning the Supreme Court into an “oppressive” body. In his opinion, it will not mean peace because there is no conflict and it will weaken the State of the autonomies.

After denouncing the “secrecy” and “concealment” by the Government of the negotiation process for Sánchez’s investiture, he highlighted that all of this “is not done for reconciliation” but rather that “the only thing the independentists want is for this be the first stone” and “the beginning of their journey towards, apparently, a referendum.

Feijóo has pointed out that the amnesty is a payment for Sánchez to be president, a “barter” that is done “with a fugitive from Justice” thinking only of his personal interest. In his opinion, “when general interests are denied the proposal becomes amoral.”


Likewise, the president of the ‘popular’ has warned of the economic “setback” that, in his opinion, the amnesty will entail because it will hamper competitiveness by generating “instability and uncertainty.” And he has warned that the consequences “will be paid by the usual people”, those who have fewer abilities and lower incomes.

“Destroying legal security means expelling investments from our country, it means hampering the competitiveness of our economy and of course putting a damper on the economic development of our country,” he asserted, stating that the amnesty is “bad since the economic point of view”.

Previously, a debate took place between several lawyers and professors — moderated by El Mundo journalist Marisa Cruz — such as Teresa Freixes, Nicolás González Cuéllar Serrano, Tomás Ramón Fernández, José Manuel Vera Santos and Enrique Gimbernat Ordeig.