It assumes that the investigative commissions that the PSOE agreed in Congress with Junts and ERC go “against the judges”

The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has demanded this Saturday that the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, “not raise walls” between Spaniards and, although he has warned that “the alarms of democracy are on”, he has asked the citizens who are not “afraid” because Spain is a democratic system and has guaranteed that their party will not stop “denouncing” the “abuses” of the PSOE and its pro-independence partners.

This is how Feijóo spoke in Madrid’s Plaza de Cibeles, where he attended the rally against the amnesty for those accused in the Catalan independence process called by more than a hundred civic entities, and which was also attended by the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal. .

The opposition leader thanked the call for this protest, highlighting that, if last weekend it was the PP that organized events against the amnesty throughout Spain, now the party has decided to join the one promoted by civic entities.

“We have come to share with the civil society of our country the desire to return to coexistence, to return to equality, to return to the rule of law and to denounce any type of fraud, lies and humiliation,” he explained.

Next, he has revealed some of the “lies” that he attributes to the President of the Government. “We were told that in no case were there going to be negotiations with the independentists and yesterday it was proven that the PSOE had been negotiating since the month of March,” he highlighted, in reference to statements by the Secretary of Organization of the PSOE, Santos Cerdán, muñidor. of the pact with those of former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont.

He has also taken the opportunity to criticize the investigative commissions registered in Congress this Friday by Junts so that the Chamber reopens investigations into the so-called ‘Operation Catalonia’ and investigates the 2017 Barcelona attacks.

According to Feijóo, although the PSOE and its partners denied that these commissions were intended to supervise judicial proceedings and the alleged existence of ‘lawfare’ (use of the courts for political persecution), in reality they do go “against the judges” because “they attack” their independence.


“We were told that (Carles) Puigdemont was a fugitive and yesterday the PSOE described him as an exile,” Feijóo stressed, before concluding that Spanish democracy is going through a “very complicated moment.” “The alarms and alerts of democracy are on and we come to tell the Government that it is one thing to have power and another thing to be right,” he said.

From his point of view, although Sánchez has obtained enough votes to be inaugurated, the socialists “know that they do not have the votes to do what they are doing.” For this reason, he has reiterated his demand that they not “raise walls”, not “play with coexistence”, nor “strain” society.

“Let’s go back to common sense again, let’s go back to the Constitution, to the division of powers, to respect for judicial independence. Do not build walls, do not build walls that try to isolate not only the politicians who are against this humiliated government, but to the more than eleven million voters who have said no to this type of Government,” the president of the PP pleaded.


Furthermore, he has included the “millions of socialists” who, according to his calculations, “have not voted” for the new Government, neither the amnesty nor the “breakdown of judicial independence.” “They have not voted to build a wall that divides the Spanish people,” he stressed.

Faced with this situation, Feijóo has guaranteed that he will exercise his “responsibility” as leader of the majority party and that he will not “disappoint” the citizens: “We are going to respect coexistence with the law in which by hand and with reason and we are not going to have any kind of fear.”

“Because in Spain no one can be afraid, Spain is a democratic system,” he added, before making it clear that the PP will continue to denounce the “fraud” that, in his opinion, means that “one thing is voted at the polls and another one is made in Congress”. “We are not going to get tired of reporting this type of abuse,” he concluded.