He claims the “work” built in Galicia in recent years and asks for the support that four absolute majorities gave him for his successor.


The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has taken advantage of the central rally of the PPdeG in this campaign to ask for his successor at the head of the party and the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, candidate for re-election in the Galician elections, the “massive” vote which allowed him to achieve four absolute majorities in Galicia. And he has done so with a notice in the form of a state message: “Alfonso Rueda is the answer that Pedro Sánchez and the nationalists do not want to hear on February 18.”

And it is that, in a bullring in Pontevedra until the flag, in which the organization places 14,000 people (the venue has a capacity of 12,000), Feijóo, who landed this Friday in Galicia and while the popular ones no longer hide that one of his main pre-electoral strategies will be the contrast with the state model, he has gone one step further and has verbalized it: “More Rueda and less Sánchez!”

Previously, he has claimed the “work” that the Galician community has become in recent years, a “work” promoted by “everyone”, but in which he feels a participant, given that he directed the autonomous Government from 2009 until his jumped into state politics and has appealed to “vote” so that Spain “follows the path that Galicia has always taught.”

Not in vain, he has warned that, just as the central government is “an embarrassment” for Europe, the Executive led by Alfonso Rueda is “an example” for Spain, and has emphasized that Galicia is as it is “the fruit of effort and non-conformism.” of a people that does not stop under any circumstances”.

“This is Galicia. And what we ask for is the vote so that no one comes to change us. We are what we want to be, we do not have any complexes,” he remarked, before emphasizing that Rueda is “the answer” that the community and the that Sánchez “does not want to listen” – whom he has repeatedly contrasted with the Galician leader – on 18F.

Along the lines, he highlighted that, while Sánchez “only looks out for his own interest, Rueda only looks out for the interests of Galicia.” “Galicia does not need more rulers like Sánchez and his partners. It does not need a Puigdemont with another name here. And in Spain what is needed are more public servants like Alfonso Rueda and each and every one of the councilors who have accompanied him these years” , has said.

“Less selfishness and more generosity, less frivolity and posturing and more responsibility. Less sovereignty and fracture, and more autonomy! More Rueda and less Sánchez!” he appealed, before also focusing on the nationalists, whom he has affirmed, without mentioning names such as that of the leader of the BNG, Ana Pontón, who, like Sánchez, does not want Rueda’s “answer” either.

“Whether you are on the left or the right, what good can it do for Galicia if nationalism brings here the problems of social fracture in Euskadi or Catalonia? None. And whatever you think, what good can it do for our land the misgovernment that we are experiencing in Spain? None. Well, there is an answer that can avoid these issues in Galicia and it is here: Alfonso Rueda,” he appealed.

In an event for which some 200 buses were mobilized and for which, according to sources consulted from several provinces, there were militants and sympathizers who had to be told that there was no longer room to travel to the city of Lérez, both Feijóo, Like Rueda himself later and Rajoy before him, they have highlighted the “historical content” of the arena.

In Galician, the language in which he began his speech, Feijóo recalled how Rueda was the one who in 2009 opted to carry out the symbolic act of the bullring despite the fact that there were “discussions” about whether it could be filled, since then The one from Os Peares was in the opposition and the socialist José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero led the country, in his view, “the second worst president of Spain” -after Sánchez-.

“But there was a person determined that we would be able to fill the square and that person is Alfonso Rueda. Therefore, this square today is for you and for you. We are all with you and we filled this square to later fill the ballot boxes with votes for Rueda. “You enter this position as a candidate and leave as president! I tell you and Rajoy knows it, although the candidates for president of Spain take a little longer,” he added.

In any case, Feijóo, who during his speech vindicated the work done in Galicia, has thanked the trust that he has received in each Galician electoral event and has asked that on 18F those same votes go to his successor.

And, yes, he has called to “fight” each vote without trusting the polls with the argument that he knows first-hand, after what happened in the July general elections, that nothing can be taken for granted until the scrutiny of the elections. urns.

For his part, in his first intervention in the Galician electoral campaign, Mariano Rajoy also began his speech by thanking him for the “honor” of returning to the San Roque arena, which brings him “the best memories.”

Thus, in his more than forty years of belonging to the party, he has reviewed the occasions on which the PP has gathered its militants and sympathizers in this emblematic place in the city. “Some say it is a talisman and it is true,” said Rajoy, still highlighting that the true “talisman” is the “improbable work” of the popular ones.

“This story began on February 14, 2009” with the first rally, he recalled, which was followed by subsequent events on March 1 of that same year: “Alberto Núñez Feijóo was elected president after a campaign that we will never forget,” Rajoy recalled. “They were here then” – he has jokingly corrected himself, after saying that they “ruled” – “those that you remember.” “And if you don’t remember it, no one misses anything,” he added.

“They stopped governing, they are still waiting and what is left for them,” Mariano Rajoy predicted, when reviewing his party’s electoral victory. “That changed things for Feijóo, for me, for Galicia and Spain,” he added.

Not in vain, in the following line, he evoked the subsequent triumphs after the rallies of April 30, 2011, October 6, 2012 in another regional campaign, September 10, 2016, June 27, 2020 and, last year, July 9 and 23. “Because we won the elections again and we are the leading political force in Spain,” he concluded in his historical review.

The surroundings of the Pontevedra bullring already predicted the atmosphere inside the venue, when the nearby parking lots began to receive the 200 buses mobilized by the PPdeG to fill the San Roque arena. Both the stands and the central surface were occupied with militants and sympathizers carrying, above all, Galician flags and the party logo.

There were few Spanish flags seen in the bullring, although a multicolored one did sneak into the venue. And also a banner of “Villalonga, no amnesty!”, among others with the electoral slogans of support for Rueda.

Sanxenxo, Meis, Teo, Nigrán, Lalín or A Lama were some of the local groups that were identified among the crowd, to which have been added emigrants returned from countries such as Venezuela, Cuba or Uruguay, among other countries.

A ‘dj’ has enlivened the wait of the thousands of attendees, guided by a speaker who has animated the public until the arrival of Alfonso Rueda, accompanied by Alberto Núñez Feijóo and Mariano Rajoy, along with the rest of the popular entourage, moment in which the entire audience gave them a standing ovation.