The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has offered this Thursday to the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, a reform of the crime of embezzlement to “raise” the penalties for the corrupt as proposed by Brussels and recover the crime of sedition and has warned that If he does not accept, the PP will carry out this penal reform if it reaches the Government. In addition, he recalled that Moncloa justified the modification of embezzlement to equate Spain with Europe and stressed that the directive now being proposed by the European Commission confirms that “once again sanchismo” is “cheating” them.

This has been pronounced after Brussels proposes a maximum sentence of at least five years for crimes of embezzlement throughout the European Union, according to the proposal for a directive presented this Wednesday to classify corruption crimes and harmonize penalties on the continent. This proposal would force Spain to return to reform the crime of embezzlement.

In an act in Cádiz together with the candidate for mayor and president of the PP in the province, Bruno García, Feijóo has affirmed that the “list of nonsense of sanchismo is too long and too painful”, starting with the so-called law of ‘only yes’ It is yes’ that, as he has said, it took months to reform and “in the end”, the PP had to “fix” the rule with its votes in Parliament.

Immediately afterwards, Feijóo has indicated that the PP also warned of the “error” that “it meant lowering the penalties for corruption” with the modification of the crime of embezzlement. “They told us that this was a proposal from Europe,” he recalled, adding that now Brussels is proposing a new directive “not only to not lower the penalties but to raise the penalties for corruption of politicians anywhere in Europe.” “Once again, sanchismo deceives us”, he has added.

However, he has said that, as happened with the so-called ‘yes is yes’ law, the PP offers an “outstretched hand” to the Sánchez government to “reduce the level of legal nonsense” that has been made in recent years. Specifically, it has offered to replace the penalties for corruption and fix the crime of sedition again in the Penal Code.

“Rectify, use the votes of the constitutionalist party and let’s put back the dignity of our country and the dignity of the institutions,” Feijóo told Sánchez, adding that if the chief executive does not want to make that modification with the PP he will do it “when he gets to the Government.”

According to the head of the opposition, “repealing sanchismo” consists of “repealing all nonsense” of the Executive, such as “reducing sentences for rapists, corrupt and pedophiles.” “This is to repeal sanchismo and we will do it with the votes of the Spaniards who come out of the polls”, he has concluded.