The PP leader talks about “adjustments” and incorporation of more people, with the name of the Congress spokesperson as the main unknown


The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, is finalizing the changes in his team, which will include a reorganization of the Popular Group and its management committee with the incorporation of more people to face this new stage, for which he is preparing an “implacable opposition “.

“Our opposition is going to be implacable, it is going to be implacable in the face of a bad Government whose declaration of intentions is to fracture Spanish society,” the PP spokesperson, Borja Sémper, declared this Monday at a press conference at the PP headquarters after the meeting of the steering committee chaired by Feijóo.

On the same day that Pedro Sánchez revealed the names of his ministers, Sémper confirmed that the PP led by Feijóo will form a “forceful, serious and responsible opposition, which protects the institutions, the rules of coexistence and the equality of all Spaniards.” .

Sémper, who is also deputy secretary of Culture and Open Society, has stressed that it is “perfectly compatible” to carry out a “forceful and firm” opposition with a “responsible, solvent and serious” opposition.

“We believe that we are called to protect the institutions in Spain, that we are not only called to oppose a bad Government,” he stated, to insist that they will make an “unrelenting” opposition to Sánchez “from respect” and seeking to “recover institutionality in Spain”.

Sémper, whose name also appears in the pools as a possible parliamentary spokesperson, has declined to comment on the remodeling that Feijóo is preparing in his team. “In relation to the internal issues of the PP, I understand and share their interest, but I do not have more information than what has been expressed until now,” he declared when asked by journalists about the changes.

Feijóo maintains absolute secrecy about the “adjustments” that he can make, but he already said a few weeks ago that he would continue to rely on the party team that led him to win the elections and that they will have the same or “similar” positions.

“I am not going to change a team that has won the elections, but I do have to make adjustments because my role in Congress is different now than before,” he said on October 27, to make it clear that he would not do without the team he has. right now in Genoa.

Feijóo himself referred this Sunday, in an interview in El Mundo, to these “adjustments” in the PP, ensuring that “it means incorporating some people and strengthening the party’s leadership team and the parliamentary groups.”

While waiting for these changes to be announced in the coming days – Feijóo himself has confirmed that they will be in November – one of the main unknowns is who will occupy the spokesperson for the Popular Group in the Congress of Deputies.

At this moment, that role is held by Cuca Gamarra, who makes the spokesperson for the Popular Group compatible with the General Secretariat of the PP. Many PP officials consulted by Europa Press have assumed these weeks that Gamarra will opt for the General Secretary of the PP, a position he has held since Feijóo landed as the Presidency of the PP in April 2022.

According to these sources, his task in Congress could fall to the deputy secretary of Institutional Affairs, Esteban González Pons, or the deputy secretary of Culture and Open Society, Borja Sémper. There are those who even place the person responsible for Social Policies, Carmen Funez, in this pool.

In recent days, and after Sánchez’s “ideological” speech talking about “walls” during the investiture debate, some sources predict that Feijóo will lean towards a “tough” profile, with “experience” and a “sharp fang”, where Figures like González Pons fit in.

However, other voices believe that the position of general secretary could go to the current general coordinator, Elías Bendodo, or the deputy secretary of Organization, Miguel Tellado, leaving Gamarra at the head of the Popular Group in Congress, a position he has held since August. 2020 when Pablo Casado appointed her to replace Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo.

Feijóo also has to name a new spokesperson in the Senate, a position now held provisionally by former minister Javier Arenas. Some PP sources consulted by Europa Press have indicated that the leader of the ‘popular’ would like to appoint a woman.

In addition, Feijóo has to appoint a new deputy secretary of Territorial Coordination of the PP, a responsibility that until now has been carried out by Pedro Rollán, who was appointed president of the Senate last August.

Sources close to Feijóo have acknowledged this Monday that Feijóo has already made some decisions about the changes and not others, without ruling out that some appointments could be brought forward and the complete configuration left for a little later. In any case, a National Executive Committee will be the body in charge of giving the green light to the changes proposed by the leader of the PP.

Sources from the PP have rejected that Feijóo is waiting to know the changes that the PSOE is going to undertake in Ferraz or in the Socialist Group in Congress before carrying out the remodeling of the PP.