He attacks Yolanda Díaz for “bragging” that unemployment is going down when there are half a million discontinued permanent workers who “do not appear in unemployment”


The leader of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has asked this Friday for the vote for the PP candidate for the Xunta, Alfonso Rueda, with the aim of continuing in Galicia a model that “works”, based on “stability”, “moderation” and “sentidiño”. That said, he has warned of the danger of bringing Pedro Sánchez’s “model of lies” to this community, with which the “fiscal sword” would return and in which the independentistas are the ones who “in charge.”

“I honestly think that we Galicians are neither for referendums, nor for amnesties, nor for independence,” he proclaimed at a rally at the Teatro Beneficiencia in Ortigueira (A Coruña) together with the president of the PP of A Coruña and candidate in the elections of 18F, Diego Calvo, and the mayor of the municipality, Valentín Calvín.

This is Feijóo’s fourth electoral event on this first day of the campaign after previously stopping in Lugo, where he held two events in Piedrafita and Monforte and took an electoral walk through Mondoñedo. This Saturday he will star in a large rally in the Pontevedra bullring alongside Rueda and the former president of the Government Mariano Rajoy.

Feijóo has asked for the “first majority for Alfonso Rueda” and they do not give “a ball for lost nor a vote for won.” “We have not won anything, the polls have not been installed, we do not have any votes, nor do we have any guarantees,” he warned, asking his people for “work, determination” and “the desire to win.”

Feijóo, who was president of the Xunta for 14 years, has pointed out that the “Galicia model” is “moderation”, without “insulting anyone”, and “stability”. “Stability is that you get up in the morning and don’t have a scare in the afternoon and that you don’t go to bed with a different problem than when you got up,” he stressed.

Furthermore, he has said that the Galicia model is “sentidiño” and “having a say”, letting whoever wins govern. “We know perfectly well that if the PP wins, but we lack a handful of votes for an absolute majority, those who lost the elections will govern,” he warned, to emphasize that the left “already knows that it is not going to win.”

Before a dedicated audience, Feijóo assured that “Sanchez’s model is amnesty”, consisting of “buying the Presidency of the Government by canceling the crimes of those who support you.” According to him, he has stressed that the person in charge now in the country is someone “who does not live in Spain and who is wanted by the Supreme Court”, alluding to Carles Puigdemont.

For this reason, the president of the PP has asked for a vote for the Popular Party so that “Sánchez’s misgovernment in Galicia is not reproduced”, stressing that the Galicians are not “for referendums” or “for independence.”

Likewise, Feijóo has criticized that this Sánchez Government “with assisted respiration tries to say that it is the progressive Government.” “Since when does progress mean that minorities rule? Since when does progress mean having more public debt than in our entire lives?” he has asked himself.

After ensuring that with the “Sanchez model” the “fiscal sword” would return, he has defended the PP’s low tax policies and has reproached the Executive for raising taxes 52 times. What’s more, he has indicated that the collection has increased by 62,000 million euros since Sánchez is president because he “needs it to pay his agreements.”

On the same day that an increase in unemployment was known in January, Feijóo took the opportunity to attack Vice President Yolanda Díaz, who “was born in Ferrol” but does not know how to “tell the truth” and “goes around bragging that unemployment is going down.” .

“Do you know why? Because people who work two days a week are called permanent discontinuous contracts and do not appear on unemployment,” he said, explaining that before they were “called temporary contracts and now permanent discontinuous contracts.” According to her, she has stressed, there are “more than half a million people who have permanent discontinuous contracts who do not appear on unemployment and who are really unemployed.”