The new Sports Law has been published this Saturday and comes into force on January 1, 2023


The president of the Higher Sports Council (CSD), José Manuel Franco, celebrated this Saturday the publication of the new Sports Law in the Official State Gazette (BOE), a text that will be in force as of this Sunday, January 1, 2023.

“We started 2023 with the pride of having the most egalitarian and inclusive Law, which places sport as an essential activity and right for citizens and for which public and private actors must ensure,” Franco said on his social networks.

Among the most outstanding aspects of the new Sports Law is, precisely, the express recognition of physical activity and sport as essential activities, as well as the defense of equality and inclusion in all levels of sports practice.

It also highlights the provision of greater legal certainty to athletes, the updating of the model of the different professional sports entities, regulating and expanding the powers of the CSD itself, and includes an ecological transition, the promotion of rural sports, territorial cohesion and the digital innovation in the sector.

The new Sports Law was approved on Thursday, December 22 by a large majority in the Congress of Deputies, a text that updates the previous one from 1990 and that adapts the current legal framework to the “new sports reality.”