He criticizes that the PSC is the “white label of the independence movement” and assures that the PP is the “alternative” for Catalans: “They are not orphans”


The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, has accused the president of the central government, Pedro Sánchez, of being “responsible” for the “blockade of the legislature” for being a “puppet in the hands” of the Catalan independentists, who, in his judgment, are those who “pull the strings of politics” in Spain. “A puppet that the independentists move day by day, until this week the legislature collapses.”

In this sense, he has maintained that the call for early elections in Catalonia for May 12 and the “suspension and paralysis” of the General State Budgets that “Pedro Sánchez said was the counterpart to the amnesty law.” “But it was not the counterpart, but rather the payment solely and exclusively for the time he has already been in Moncloa, but not for what is to come,” he added, while criticizing that this law “was approved in Congress with the shameful and shameful ovation of the PSOE” means “impunity for a group of politicians in exchange for staying in power.”

Gamarra spoke in these terms this Sunday, in statements to the media, during his visit to Valencia to attend the seventeenth ‘mascletà’ of the Fallas 2024. “Without a doubt, this week, if they have had something “It is very clear to all Spaniards that today Pedro Sánchez is president of the government because he had only one objective: to block the alternative that Alberto Núñez Feijóo represents from being able to materialize and, therefore, he could be at the head of the Government of Spain,” he stated.

The ‘popular’ leader has insisted that Sánchez “had no problem in putting himself in the hands of the independentists” to “block” an “alternative that works every day for the Spanish people and that sooner rather than later will be at the head of the Government of all Spaniards”.

Along these lines, he has assured that the “blockade” of the legislature “does not surprise” the PP, since, he has reproached, “when the Spaniards withdrew their trust in you and to block the alternative you put yourself in the hands of the independentists, of those who “They do not want a united Spain or the best for Spain, the only thing that can be expected is the blockade; and they have led us to the blockade.”

“This blockade of the legislature, without a doubt, is going to be paid for by the Spanish people, and if there is someone responsible, it is Pedro Sánchez,” he criticized, while addressing “the Spaniards” to tell them that the president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and the Popular Party continue “working day by day to sooner rather than later be able to continue transforming Spain positively.”

Gamarra has reiterated that the “blockade of the legislature” shows “how the Socialist Party, with Pedro Sánchez and now also with the candidate – for the Catalan elections, Salvador – Illa, responds solely and exclusively to comply with all the demands that the independentists can ask them, to restart the entire independence process and to absolutely abandon what are the needs of the Spanish and the Catalans.

Precisely, regarding the Catalan elections that will be held on May 12, he lamented that the PSC and its candidate, Salvador Illa, are “the white mark of the independence movement” and “they will stand for the elections with a single objective: to be able to strengthen the independence movement.” and that this way Pedro Sánchez can survive in Moncloa, solely and exclusively.”

“That is what we are talking about, to continue materializing the demands of the independentists, to restart everything that the ‘procés’ meant and now it is time for the self-determination referendum and, without a doubt, that no one pays attention to what the problems are. that the Spaniards have”, he continued, and added that “the problems of occupation, security, drought, take a backseat, because here the only thing that matters is that the independentists can continue to collect from Pedro Sánchez everything that they want.”

Asked who will be the ‘popular’ candidate in the Catalan elections, Gamarra maintained that “they have time” to decide. “What we can tell the Catalans is that all those who have been defrauded by the PSC, who saw how their votes, which had to serve to stop the independence movement, have served to strengthen the independence movement, are not orphans” , has declared.

And he has asserted that the PP “is going to lead the constitutionalist alternative so that it is governed for all Catalans.” “In Catalonia there are many Catalans who believe that they are second-rate,” he stated, which is why he stressed that in the next elections “the Popular Party ballot will be the representation of all those values ??of constitutionalism and especially of the constitutionalist Catalans.” , who are as Catalan as the independentists and their vote has to count for that, not for anything else.”

On the other hand, regarding the meeting held this Saturday in Switzerland by PSOE and Junts – the fourth since both parties signed an agreement for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez in November – he criticized that “those images and that press release “were “solely and exclusively the demonstration of who pulls the strings.”

“What the independentists have said, ‘now we are going for the self-determination referendum’. And no matter how many press releases they send, we are already accustomed to secrecy and lies,” he denounced, while explaining that “yesterday “What was being talked about is campaign events and the electoral program with which the pro-independence supporters will participate and also in a hidden way the white label of the pro-independence movement, which today is the PSC and Salvador Illa.”

In this sense, he stressed that at the meeting “they were talking about how Puigdemont’s return to Spain for that campaign will materialize and it will not be to be held accountable before justice because he has placed himself above justice with impunity.” “And they were also talking, without a doubt, about the electoral program that the self-determination referendum means, which they have made clear that not only are they not giving up, but they are going back for it,” he concluded.