It stresses that “there is no time to lose” to reach a confluence pact and be up to the “challenge”, especially after 28M

The federal coordinator of the IU, Alberto Garzón, has launched an appeal this Sunday to all the political forces of the left to form part of the unity candidacy promoted by Sumar for the general elections, given that “there is no time to lose” and to be at the height of the “magnitude of the challenge”.

It has also influenced that he leaves the first political line with his determination not to run as a candidate for Congress in those elections, defending that the renewal of public office is “healthy” for organizations and political projects, since in his case the IU has arrived the time for “others to contribute”.

This has been conveyed during his speech at the IU Federal Coordinator, the highest management body and in which more than a hundred positions from the organization participate, to remark that, although he will not be on the electoral lists for 23J as already announced by the last Friday, he will continue working as leader of IU so that the second vice president, Yolanda Díaz, is the next president of the Government.

In his open speech at the beginning of the session, Garzón said that he came to the conclusion some time ago that other colleagues “can contribute more than him”, given that as a Republican he is convinced that in politics the collective project prevails over the personal .

In this way, he has highlighted that in the case of IU there are processes such as the recall (process by which the bases can request the replacement of the federal coordinator) and the primaries, processes designed precisely in the possibilities of replacements in the first political line.

In any case, he has assured that he is aware that if he had chosen to aspire to be in Congress again, he would have had the support of his organization, although he is sure that it was not the best option given that he has been on the front line for 12 years. , because from the “15M squares” he became a deputy and from there to the Government.

On the other hand, he has affirmed that he is aware that his decision comes at a “difficult moment for Spain”, with that electoral call and in full negotiation between Sumar and fifteen progressive formations. But he has stressed that after the results of the 28M, bad for the whole of the left, they are obliged to act in a “creative” and “bold” way to promote an “exciting project”, alluding again to Sumar.

On the other hand, he has explained that the left has to deploy a proposal that, based on science and the enlightened spirit, confronts the “reactionary wave” that is advancing throughout the world and is also present in Spain, with a threat to the “liberty” and rights” of the social majority.

What’s more, he has urged the left to combat the drift of “caricature” and “dehumanization” of the political adversary who, in his opinion, is promoting the conservative forces, at the same time that he has claimed an electoral proposal that deepens the solutions to the climate and ecosocial crisis.


In turn, and to open the meeting of the Federal Coordinator, in which 49 members of the executive body have asked to speak, Garzón has reflected on the importance of politics to achieve the “desires” of the social majority reach the institutions .

Along these lines, he has alluded that freedom is not only “the ability to choose” but also to foster the basic conditions to be able to deploy an “autonomous” life project, without “any patriarch or boss” deciding for oneself. And he has deepened that without politics what would prevail is the “law of the jungle.”

Garzón has emphasized that freedom is a guarantee of necessary goods and services, that is, education, health, housing and pensions, and that the social majority, with this reactionary wave, suffers the “threat of deprivation of liberty.”

Finally, the IU leader has remarked that for these reasons he cannot leave politics and trusts that people will remember the work, time and energy dedicated to the common good, although he has reflected that the first political line is “very demanding” and that she wants to take better care of her family, since that is precisely one of the issues that feminism has called “so acutely”.
