Bendodo explains that it is about putting an end to practices such as appointing a minister as attorney general, traveling in Falcón or using the “lie”


The general coordinator of the PP, Elías Bendodo, has framed this Wednesday in “normality” the dinner that the leader of his party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, held with prosecutors on April 18 and has indicated that what the PP wants to repeal are “bad practices of sanchismo”, such as traveling by Falcon to PSOE events or appointing a person who held the position of minister with that government as State Attorney General, alluding to what happened with Dolores Delgado.

“The political leaders of this country meet, speak, dialogue, not only among themselves, but with many groups of all kinds. It must be normal,” Bendodo declared at a press conference at the PP headquarters to present the campaign ahead of the May elections.

In addition, the ‘number three’ of the PP has stressed that “not only” Feijóo has met with members of the Prosecutor’s Office or the judiciary because “in recent times President Sánchez has also done so” at the “socialist headquarters” of Ferraz .

For this reason, he has insisted that Feijóo’s meeting with prosecutors must “be located within the normality” of the “meetings” and the “dialogue” that a politician maintains “with everyone and in all areas.” From there, he has continued, it is not necessary to give it “more relevance”.

Feijóo himself told reporters on Tuesday that his dinner with prosecutors affiliated with the majority conservative association, the Association of Prosecutors, was “absolutely correct and institutional” and in it he defended the “independence of prosecutors.”

However, the Government has harshly attacked the PP for this meeting with the prosecutors, which it has come to label as “clandestine” and “very serious”. In fact, the head of the Executive, Pedro Sánchez, accused Feijóo of “maneuvering in the dark” with the “sole objective of repealing.”

In this regard, Bendodo has specified that when the PP talks about repealing, it refers to repealing “the bad practices of Sanchista policies”, citing as an example the fact that a “State Attorney General” was appointed.

When asked if Antonio Narváez, now the Supreme Court prosecutor who expressed his desire for Feijóo to come to Moncloa at that dinner, would be invalidated to be, for example, State Attorney General, Bendodo thanked that by asking him that question, he is taking it for granted that “There is going to be a change of government” in Spain and the PP is going to appoint the State Attorney General.

“Allow me to win the general elections and from there we will see how we do it, but obviously I already anticipate that it will not be as President Sánchez is doing,” Bendodo declared.

The general coordinator of the PP has clarified that “more than repealing sanchismo itself, it is repealing the message” such as “the bad practices of sanchismo” and “the forms of sanchismo” in substance and in form, such as traveling in ” Falcón to the acts of the PSOE, the arrogance, the lie” or “the laws against the will of the vast majority of Spaniards”.