He believes that Feijóo has achieved an “unmitigated victory” and that he also convinced voters who supported Vox in the general elections.


The national leadership of the PP is “satisfied” with the result of the investiture debate of Alberto Núñez Feijóo and considers that it was an “unmitigated victory” for its candidate, despite the parliamentary defeat, because the other groups were “portrayed”, in especially the PSOE led by Pedro Sánchez for its negotiations with the independentistas to remain in Moncloa.

“The only surrender that has been seen in the investiture debate is that of Sánchez towards the independence postulates,” sources from Feijóo’s team told Europa Press after the statements of the acting head of the Executive against the PP candidate.

Specifically, Sánchez has claimed this Thursday as the only alternative after the failure of Feijóo’s investiture and has accused the PP of “giving in” to Vox, speaking of a “surrender of the traditional right to the postulates of the extreme right.”

After referring to the leader of the PP as a “failed candidate”, Pedro Sánchez has insisted that the traditional right has been “parasitized” by the extreme right and has assumed its postulates. “Either social democracy prevails or a reactionary wave prevails and that would be the beginning of the end of the European Union as we live it, think it and feel it,” he warned at an event with socialist MEPs.

In ‘Génova’ they have highlighted that “the only surrender that has been evident in the investiture debate is that of Sánchez to the independence postulates” of Junts and ERC, sources from the PP leadership have indicated.

Although Feijóo failed to be inaugurated in the first vote – he achieved the expected 172 yeses by adding the support of Vox, UPN and CC to the PP -, at the ‘popular’ headquarters they speak of “unmitigated victory” for the parliamentary performance of Feijóo, who, in his opinion, with his intervention and his replies left the entire parliamentary arc “portrayed.”

“Feijóo made his debut in Congress and in his first speech he has consolidated the image of a good PP parliamentarian with plenty of discursive abilities, as well as a way of understanding parliamentarism that is not that of Óscar Puente,” sources from the PP leadership have indicated. , alluding to the replica of the former mayor of Valladolid.

In fact, the PP considers that “the most ultra behavior was that of Óscar Puente’s PSOE” and citizens have been able to see that “there is another way of understanding politics and parliamentarism”, which is “more dignified”.

In the PP they believe that they have achieved the “greatest possible return” in this parliamentary debut of Feijóo, making it clear to all Spaniards that the PP is going to defend the equality of Spaniards and that, unlike Sánchez, it is not willing to amnesty and the conditions demanded by the independentists, according to the same sources.

What’s more, PP sources consider that Feijóo also convinced citizens who supported Vox in the general elections on July 23. According to the ‘popular’, who did not vote for the PP and opted for Vox because he was looking for a forceful response against Sánchez’s “excesses”, he may have found elements to “rethink his vote.”

This Thursday, PP deputy Nacho Martín Blanco has not closed the door on the possibility that the PP could abstain from an investiture of Pedro Sánchez. When expressly asked about that possibility, he responded: “We’ll talk about it.”

“Starting next week, if Feijóo finally does not get the necessary support, we will talk. Spain needs the two big parties to have high vision,” he defended in an interview on TV3 collected by Europa Press, in which he said that for this reason the ‘popular’ have demanded the abstention of socialists.

However, the national leadership of the PP does not contemplate the possibility of the Popular Party abstaining from an investiture of Sánchez to prevent the Government from being in the hands of Junts, a formation led by former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont, who escaped in Waterloo, according to sources. of the PP leadership consulted by Europa Press.

In ‘Génova’ they remember that Feijóo already offered the general secretary of the PSOE an offer for a two-year Government along with a proposal for six State pacts and it was rejected by Pedro Sánchez the same day they met in Congress, on the 30th. of August.

In this sense, they have stressed that the PP has already put on the table an offer for there to be “a Government without independentists.” “It was offered to Sánchez four weeks ago. He did not want it. Sánchez wants a Government with independentists,” the same sources have highlighted to Europa Press.

Thus, sources from the national leadership of the PP have indicated that if Pedro Sánchez “wants a Government without independentists, instead of asking for support from the PP, he should give it to Feijóo, who is the one who won the elections.”

Other PP officials and parliamentarians consulted by Europa Press reject the possibility that Feijóo could put an abstention on the table to prevent the Government from being in the hands of a person fleeing from Justice, given that, as they remember, it was the Popular Party that He won the general elections on July 23 under the slogan that Sanchismo must be “repealed.”

“In addition, it is the PSOE that would have to ask for this abstention first,” stressed a veteran leader of the PP, who does not support that option because it could lead to “destroying” the Popular Party itself.

“It would be an act of generosity from the PP when Sánchez is not going to accept it because he is going to govern with the independentists,” added another of those consulted, who does not believe that this approach is a good idea.