Members of the environmental organization Greenpeace have blocked the entrances to the building of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food at dawn, demanding that Minister Luis Planas close the macro-farms in Spain.

Some twenty activists have blocked all access to the ministry building, located opposite the Puerta de Atocha station in Madrid, demanding the closure of macro-farms and the reduction of the extensive livestock herd in the country.

“We close the Ministry of Agriculture until the minister closes the macro-farms. We anchor ourselves at all access points and we are going to resist. Sacrificing hundreds of millions of animals a year is cruel, it poisons the air, the soil and, especially, our waters. Enough!”, read a statement published by the organization on the social network Twitter.

“We do not want to be half the world’s block, pigsty, chicken coop or slaughterhouse!” added Greenpeace, which has published several videos in which activists are seen placing a metal plate on the main door of the ministry and anchoring themselves on the side doors.

The environmental organization has brought a box with half a million signatures against macro-farms in the country to the Ministry of Agriculture, while it has asked Planas to also sign the resolution.

Meanwhile, the National Police has already moved to the dependencies of the Ministry of Agriculture.