He criticizes the “tacticism” due to partisan interests on the left after Podemos overthrew the unemployment benefit


IU finalizes negotiations with Sumar to advance formulas for collective democratic participation, both for civil society as a whole and for political forces, in view of its constitutive assembly, understanding that it is the way to give stability to the current coalition on the left. of the PSOE.

In this way, the formation indicates that it will hold a specific debate in February in its Federal Coordination on how to participate in the founding assembly of the project led by Yolanda Díaz, scheduled for next March 23.

This is stated in the draft report on the political situation of the IU Executive, which will be addressed at this Sunday’s meeting of its highest executive body. The proposal to hold the federal assembly of the formation on May 18 and 19 will also be submitted for approval, with a view to renewing the leadership and electing a replacement for its former leader Alberto Garzón.

In that document, to which Europa Press has had access, the current Executive reaffirms that she works on the bases already approved by the Federal Coordinator last December, based on reinforcing the spaces of convergence on the left around Sumar, a movement that must be equipped of democratic coordination and participation mechanisms.

Specifically, IU stressed in other previous reports that it is not going to dilute itself in Sumar but it is betting on Díaz’s project as a vehicle for a broad left-wing front, where all parties feel “comfortable.”

Now, the federal Executive details that together with the territorial federations of IU they are finalizing the negotiation with the Sumar leadership, so that its March congressional process advances along the established lines.

“The challenge continues to be to stabilize the coalition with stable coordination mechanisms and begin to facilitate popular participation in Sumar and in the organizations that make up the coalition,” the report highlights.

In this way, the document emphasizes that “reinforcing IU is strengthening the spaces of convergence in the alternative left” and advances that next month a monographic debate will be convened in the Federal Coordinating Committee, with the objective of “assessing the way to participate in the assembly of Sumar”.

Regarding IU’s own congressional process, the management report highlights that they face the replacement of Garzón as the leftist force with the greatest territorial implantation, also giving an “example of democracy and participation” by opening the debate on the political project to militancy.

Recently, the Secretary of Organization, Ismael González, highlighted that the mandate of the preparatory commission of the IU Assembly is to try to achieve a consensus candidacy, although the possibility of presenting alternative projects is facilitated if they are endorsed by 2% of the bases of training.

On the other hand, the IU leadership also states in its analysis that the legislature will not be easy, given that in Congress the “alliance policy is more complex” as there is not a majority on the left, as was seen in the votes of the first decrees of the Government and with the ‘in extremis’ agreement of Junts.

In this way, he criticizes that “tacticism” is added to this complex parliamentary arithmetic within the space of the transformative left, in a clear reproach to Podemos for overturning, together with PP, Vox and UPN, the unemployment benefit reform promoted by the Ministry of Job.

“In the face of short dribbles that obey particular interests, we are committed to high-mindedness, responsibility and the maximum parliamentary waist to reach agreements that are as broad as possible,” defends IU, which, in turn, claims to be a “left serious, responsible and will never let corporate interests get in the way of defending the rights of the working class.

Likewise, he emphasizes that they will always bet on the “reconstruction of rational and democratic spaces in which all organizations to the left of the PSOE fit.”

Regarding the prospects of the legislature, the IU leadership warns that the PSOE is only satisfied with “stopping the reactionary retreat”, but that to stop it in the medium term a transformative impulse is required in the Government: “the risk is never going too far”.

They also point out that one of the “fundamental battle fields of the State” is the judicial power and point out that it is necessary to promote democratizing changes in the judiciary and in the economic sector.

On the other hand, he boasts of his role in the Government through the Ministry of Youth led by Sira Rego, which recently announced that for the first time there will be a Youth Law in Spain.

Regarding the right-wing arc, IU affirms that the competition of the PP with Vox pushes the popular ones to more radical positions and, in reference to the Galician elections, they emphasize that Alberto Núñez Feijóo is a “weak leader” worried about “not running the same fate as Pablo Casado” and that is why he “uses” Galicia only to try to “deal a defeat to the Government” by advancing the elections.

However, he predicts that this “tactical maneuver” will go wrong, given that the polls show that political change is possible and that the PP may lose its absolute majority in that community on June 18, especially after its “disastrous” management by the dumping of pellets on the Galician coast.

And in this sense he has explained that Sumar is key, being able to obtain seats in Coruña and Pontevedra and the guarantee that the vote for the left is “optimized and made maximally profitable”, since only then can a progressive government be possible.