The president of Mercadona, Juan Roig, will allocate 146 million euros this year from his personal assets and dividends distributed by the supermarket chain to reactivate the Valencian and national economy, as well as social, sports and patronage work, which It represents 46% more.
Specifically, Roig allocates to the company his gross remuneration of 12 million euros in 2023 (5.5 million euros once 54% has been paid in Personal Income Tax (IRPF)), as well as the dividend received on account of the results of the Valencian chain (108.7 million euros), as company sources have informed Europa Press.
Mercadona has also highlighted in the accounts sent to the Commercial Registry, provided by Infoempresa, that Juan Roig’s remuneration “is in line with his leadership and personal experience and is in line with that paid in the market for comparable companies.”
The supermarket chain distributed a dividend of 201.076 million euros last year, which is 24.7% more than the 161.12 million euros in 2022.
Both Roig and his wife, the vice president of Mercadona, Hortensia Herrero, owners of 80% of Mercadona, dedicate part of their assets to entrepreneurship, training and sports patronage.
Thus, it reinvests an important part of the dividends and its personal assets, through the ‘Legacy Project’, in its different initiatives (entrepreneurship, training, sports, entertainment, art and culture).
This project, which is born from the conviction that “knowledge and money bring happiness… if you share them”, began in 2012 with the objective of both of them to share their knowledge and personal heritage to contribute altruistically to the development of society. through support for entrepreneurship, training, art, culture and sports patronage.
In this way, through Marina de Empresas, Roig has managed to create the largest ecosystem of talent, innovation, leadership and entrepreneurship in the entire Mediterranean, in which he plans to increase his investment this year to 15 million euros.
It has three different axes: EDEM, university and business school for business training; Lanzadera, an accelerator that supports startups; and Angels, a company that invests in entrepreneurial leaders.
The ‘Legacy Project’ is also committed to sports patronage, betting on the Valencia marathon and the Valencia Basket basketball team, both male and female, in which it will invest 27 million euros, and in the Roig Arena, the venue multipurpose that will host sporting, cultural and entertainment events, in which it will invest 104 million euros.