The Ministry of Labor and Social Economy wants the unemployment benefit, currently 480 euros per month, the equivalent of 80% of the Iprem, to increase its amount to 660 euros during the first six months of receipt (110% of the Iprem) and to 540 euros monthly in the following six months (90% of the Iprem) and then recover 80% of the Iprem until its extinction, which remains at a maximum of 30 months, according to sources from the Department led by Yolanda Díaz.

These figures are those that would correspond to the subsidy designed by Labor with the current Iprem, which is 600 euros per month. If this indicator increases, so would the subsidy, since what the reform would set are the percentages of the Iprem to which the aid must be equivalent.

This approach, which is the one that Labor will soon take to the social dialogue table and the one that has been transferred to Brussels, clashes with that defended by the Ministry of Economy, which not only proposes reducing the duration of the subsidy from 30 to 12 months, but also reduce its amount progressively, up to an average of 442 euros throughout the only year in which it would be received, the same sources have pointed out.

Specifically, Economía proposes that, during the 12 months of receipt, 100% of the Iprem (currently 600 euros) is charged for the first three months, and then drops to 80% of the Iprem (480 euros per month) in the second quarter; 65% of the Iprem in the third quarter (390 euros) and 50% in the last quarter (300 euros).

The Work design, which will be taken to the Council of Ministers as soon as possible, incorporates into the subsidy those under 45 years of age without family responsibilities (about 150,000, according to its estimates) and potential farmers residing outside Andalusia and Extremadura (about 250,000). ); eliminates the month of waiting so that the subsidy can be collected immediately, and establishes the possibility of making the subsidy compatible with employment during the first 45 days without reducing its amount.

Furthermore, in the Labor proposal, the subsidies will be reviewed quarterly and not monthly so that the unemployed do not have to be daily aware of failing to meet some income requirements that would cause them to lose the subsidy.

At the same time, the reform of the Department of Yolanda Díaz, which would not come into force immediately, but in mid-2024, will allow the income of the family unit to be taken into account if it is more favorable to the unemployed than taking the individual income.

The Ministry of Labor insists that there will be no cut in unemployment benefits like the one proposed by the Economy, which also asked to raise the age of the subsidy for people over 52 years of age to 60 years and a modification of the Law. of Sanctions and Infractions of the Social Order (LISOS) so that the sanctions for the unemployed act as incentives in the search for employment, according to the same sources.