The Minister of Finance and Public Function, María Jesús Montero, has stated that she hopes to see an agreement to raise wages in “the next few months” by employers and unions, “because it is important to continue contributing together.”

In statements to the media prior to the demonstration for May 1 in Madrid, Montero stated that “an agreement has not yet been possible, but of course, together, we are going to keep pushing.”

For this, from the Government, “we want to promote it from social peace, from the contribution of each one of the parties”, since “we are witnessing record profits in some business sectors”.

In this line, the head of the Treasury and Public Function has detailed that many months have already been worked to “see the agreement come to fruition”, given that before 2023 began, “the importance of reaching an agreement had been put on the table.” agreement within the V AENC”.

Likewise, Montero explained that right now, on the part of the unions, what the Government is aware of is “a notice, that if there is no negotiation and wages are not raised, there will be important mobilizations”, since the organizations unions “exercise their measures of pressure to achieve this objective”.

Along the same lines, the Minister of Finance and Public Function stressed that economic construction “is done hand in hand with everyone, not only with businessmen, with the population as a whole and, therefore, I insist that Let’s come to an agreement on wages”.

For his part, Montero made reference to the labor reform, which “is making it possible to convert many of the contracts that until now were precarious and that were permanently subject to renewal that did not allow carrying out a life project into indefinite ones.”

Regarding the pension reform, “we have contributed significantly to ensuring that the group of our elderly does not lose purchasing power and likewise, as you well know, we have raised non-contributory pensions and the minimum vital income that is intended for the most vulnerable by more than 15%”.