The political scientist and co-founder of Podemos, Juan Carlos Monedero, has criticized the “dirty war” deployed against the purple formation, following the decision of the judge of the ‘Neurona case’ to archive the investigation directed against him and against Podemos – as a legal entity – -.

“What has been done against Podeoms is the most shameful case of dirty war in our democracy. Embarrassing for judges, journalists and politicians,” he said in a message on the social network ‘X’ (formerly Twitter).

In his opinion, they have spent years “charged” and “under suspicion” without evidence, all with the “sole purpose of placing under suspicion a political force whose crime is wanting to improve democracy.” “They wanted to bring us to our knees. They still haven’t succeeded,” Monedero has settled.

Judge Juan José Escalonilla has determined that it is not possible to impute criminal responsibility to the political formation and when verifying that there are no indications that the leader mediated in the contract of 363,000 euros that the party signed with Neurona for the campaign for the general elections of April 2019.

Previously and also in networks, the general secretary of Podemos, Ione Belarra, has denounced that the ‘Neurona case’ is a “fake” cause and an example of “lawfare” (an Anglo-Saxon term that refers to the ‘judicial war’) to “persecute “to his political strength. “It is not against us, it is against democracy. My most affectionate hug goes to the persecuted comrades,” she emphasized.