He believes that citizens understand the usefulness of the amnesty “despite the doubts” at first


The deputy first secretary of the PSC, Lluïsa Moret, has assured that the PSC will at no time address “neither the referendum nor another instrument whose interest is to divide and not unite”.

This was expressed in an interview with Europa Press, in which he stressed that for the socialists the referendum is not on the table in the negotiation with ERC because, in his opinion, it separates, confronts and does not facilitate coexistence.

“The referendum is not on the table because it is not an instrument that unites, but on the contrary, it is an instrument that generates confrontation and divides,” said Moret, who pointed out that the normalization that the PSC is betting on as the PSOE goes through dialogue and agreement.

In terms of self-government, Moret has indicated that the PSC is committed to “exhausting as much as possible” the powers that are exclusive to the Generalitat and that represent a frame of reference to generate prosperity in Catalonia, according to her.

“We believe that in these recent pro-independence governments this logic of betting as much as possible on self-government has not been prioritized. We will do so because, furthermore, self-government is an absolutely strategic frame of reference,” he stated.

In this sense, he sees “many possibilities” and opportunities from self-government to develop public policies and projects that – he said literally – respond to people’s real problems.

Likewise, he has specified that what has to be done, in his opinion, is to “execute” the explicit reference frameworks in the Statute of Catalonia and apply, precisely, the possibilities it offers.

Regarding the Amnesty Law, Moret has been convinced that citizens understand its usefulness “beyond the doubts that there may have been at first and some approaches that were not entirely clear to them.”

“I believe that at this point the majority of people, and also the majority of socialists, understand that it is a useful tool,” he expressed.

Furthermore, he maintained that Catalonia needs the political, institutional and social normality that the norm defends, and added: “It needs this very clear commitment to coexistence and it needs, obviously, a state of tranquility. We cannot return to the scenarios of 2017.” .

“I believe that what will prevail is precisely this ultimate goal that a vast majority of citizens share, and it is a clear commitment to a Catalonia where coexistence and, above all, respect, above all reconciliation, is the general state,” he concluded.

Finally, regarding the unconstitutionality appeal presented by both the Government of Pedro Sánchez and the PSC against the Popular Legislative Initiative (ILP) that asks the Parliament to declare independence, Moret has defended that the initiative “is not adequate” nor is it the time to present it, as he said.

Asked about the warning of Solidaritat Catalana per la Independencia, the promoters of the ILP, to raise the cause to international instances, Moret has criticized that it supposes “a purely electoralist message of confrontation with the Government of Sánchez”.

“What it does is, once again, join the classic arguments of more radical positions, of positions that want to confront, that want to break this logic of coexistence,” he lamented.